[ECAdmin] Expiration of Approval Action Decision Period and EC Approval Notice

Ozan Sahin ozan.sahin at icann.org
Fri Nov 17 08:14:37 UTC 2023

Dear Empowered Community Administration representatives,

In accordance with the timelines and procedures set out in Annex D of the ICANN Bylaws, staff notes that the Approval Action Decision Period pertaining to the Fundamental Bylaws Amendments relating to the IANA Naming Function Reviews and IANA Naming Function Separation Process that were approved by the Board has expired by 11:59 pm PST on Thursday, 16 November 2023 (07:59 am UTC on Friday, 17 November 2023).
Empowered Community Administration has received written notifications in support of the Fundamental Bylaws Amendments from the following Decisional Participants:

  *   Address Supporting Organization
  *   At-Large Advisory Committee
  *   Country Code Names Supporting Organization
  *   Generic Names Supporting Organization
  *   Governmental Advisory Committee

Pursuant Section 1.4(b) of Annex D of the ICANN Bylaws, the EC Administration shall, within twenty-four (24) hours of the expiration of the Approval Action Decision Period, deliver a written notice (“EC Approval Notice”) to the Secretary certifying that, pursuant to and in compliance with the procedures and requirements of Article 1 of Annex D, the EC has approved the Approval Action.

Support staff prepared the EC Approval Notice for your review (see attached). Staff will forward the notice to ICANN Secretary on your behalf within 24 hours unless you have any comments or concerns.

Best regards,
Ozan Sahin (on behalf of the staff supporting Empowered Community Administration)

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