[Gac-gnso-cg] Agenda for Tues. May 27th cc ..

Manal Ismail manal at tra.gov.eg
Wed Jun 4 05:53:01 UTC 2014

Many thanks Marika .. Extremely useful !!

I may have missed part of the conversation though, so apologies for that
in advance .. As per the WG document and the briefing note, we have the
following 6 phases/steps:

1.       Issue Scoping

2.       Issue Report

3.       Working Group

4.       Council Deliberations

5.       Board Vote

6.       Implementation

So does the 'initiation' step on the diagram map to the 'Issue Report'
(2. above)?


Dear All ..

I think having reached that level of details of this phase of the
process we should be able to brainstorm on and answer questions such as:

-          Are we fine with the current notification mechanism? 

(I'm sure the frequency of notifications is a problem for the GAC; but
is this the only problem? If not, then maybe we should start by
discussing a best case scenario of one PDP, then see how to handle the
frequency problem and discuss the maximum the GAC can cope with ..)

-          Does this notification mechanism need to change?

-          Should it be more formal?

-          Should it be more than a notification? Request for GAC input
for example, which implies pending the whole process till GAC input is
received ..

-          In this case, will the GAC be committed to respond to every
notification/request with its intention as to whether or not it will be
providing GAC input (not to hold the process indefinitely), along with
an expected timeframe?


I think as soon as we ensure that this GAC/GNSO link is established at
such an early stage, we can then start looking into how GAC input will
be handled by the GNSO? What if not in agreement with the GNSO views? In
such cases, should there be some sort of mandated GAC/GNSO consultation
on the issue before proceeding? How would this ultimately affect the
overall time frame? And how would this ultimately affect GAC advice to
the Board at a later stage? 


I'm sorry to be repeating questions we already have in the WG document
but the intention is to trigger further discussion to be able to go
London with an agreed proposal ..


Kind Regards




From: Marika Konings [mailto:marika.konings at icann.org] 
Sent: Sunday, June 01, 2014 9:00 PM
To: Manal Ismail; Suzanne Radell; gac-gnso-cg at icann.org
Subject: Re: [Gac-gnso-cg] Agenda for Tues. May 27th cc ..


Hi Manal,


Please find attached the graphic with the circles which as mentioned has
been updated to reflect that the third step is 'initiation' as well as
updated colours. 


To facilitate the CG's discussion on the details of each phases, I've
developed the attached process flow on the Issue Scoping phase which may
make it easier to see who currently does what / when as well as
identifying where additional steps may need to be added (or proposals
can be reflected). If you think this is helpful, I'm happy to create a
similar one for the other phases, or if not deemed helpful, happy to not
do so as well ;-)


Best regards,




From: Manal Ismail <manal at tra.gov.eg>
Date: Thursday 29 May 2014 07:20
To: Suzanne Radell <SRadell at ntia.doc.gov>, "gac-gnso-cg at icann.org"
<gac-gnso-cg at icann.org>
Subject: Re: [Gac-gnso-cg] Agenda for Tues. May 27th cc ..


Many thanks Suzanne for your timely suggestion, as Jonathan and I have
assumed the responsibility of getting back to the group with proposed
slides for London ..


Your suggestion aligns with my thinking, which I also have to admit not
having the chance to discuss with Jonathan yet .. I assume, when you
mention 'the two first steps' that you mean the first 2 phases 'Issues
scoping' and 'Issue Report' .. Hope I'm right .. 


Here is one way to go about it: 

1.       One slide to introduce the PDP work track

2.       A second slide with the GNSO PDP diagram, with circles to
indicate the phases or stages, as you have proposed (would be helpful if
you or Marika could kindly confirm the exact diagram)

3.       A third slide on the group's proposal regarding new/enhanced
GAC engagement opportunities/mechanisms during phase 1 (Issue Scoping),
which should basically conclude our discussion, in light of answers
provided to the posed questions and suggestions proposed to address
raised issues (this still needs to be further discussed and concluded)

4.       A fourth similar slide for phase 2 (Issue Report)

5.       A fifth & final one covering what we expect from our
constituencies in London: for example, GAC/GNSO approval to proceed as
suggested, concrete responses to specific questions, ... etc 


Suzanne, let me know what you think .. 

Would also appreciate thoughts from other colleagues ..


Kind Regards



From: Suzanne Radell [mailto:SRadell at ntia.doc.gov] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2014 2:59 PM
To: Manal Ismail; gac-gnso-cg at icann.org
Subject: RE: Agenda for Tues. May 27th cc ..


Thanks, Manal and Jonathan.  I must offer apologies for missing today's
call, as I need to be in a briefing for Larry Strickling at 9:30.  I did
want to offer a suggestion for the group to consider, with the full
disclosure that Amr and I have not had a chance to compare notes on this
as yet.  In thinking about how to present our work to date on the PDP
process, it struck me that we might want to reduce the document we are
using as a working document to a cover sheet that uses the GNSO graph
(with circles to indicate the phases or stages), with a red line or some
other means of identifying that we're focusing at the outset on the two
first steps; the parts of the text that address just those steps could


Thanks for considering this idea, and please feel free to discard it if
others don't agree.  Thanks to Marika and Olof for preparing the survey;
think it's very helpful.  Cheers, Suz


Suzanne Murray Radell

Senior Policy Advisor, NTIA/OIA

sradell at ntia.doc.gov





From: gac-gnso-cg-bounces at icann.org
[mailto:gac-gnso-cg-bounces at icann.org] On Behalf Of Manal Ismail
Sent: Monday, May 26, 2014 5:38 PM
To: gac-gnso-cg at icann.org
Subject: [Gac-gnso-cg] Agenda for Tues. May 27th cc ..


Dear All ..


Here is the agenda Jonathan and I compiled for tomorrow's call:


1.       Review the briefing note to be circulated in advance of ICANN
London (version: attached) 


2.       Review Day-to-day work track (version: attached)

*         Discuss / Finalize options A, F & E 


3.       Review PDP work track (version: attached)

*         Discuss / Finalize proposals for phases 1 & 2


4.       Consider material for ICANN London

*         Presentation 

*         The survey (Draft here:


5.       AOB


All referenced documents are attached for your convenience .. 

Marika, appreciate your confirmation that I've attached the most recent
versions ..


Kind Regards


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