[gnso-improvem-impl-sc] Actions: SCI Meeting 19 May 2016

Julie Hedlund julie.hedlund at icann.org
Fri May 20 13:35:04 UTC 2016

Dear SCI members,


Please see below the actions captured from the SCI meeting held on 19 May.  Please let us know if you have any questions or comments.  The GNSO Secretariat also will send a notice for a call in two weeks on Thursday, 02 June at the usual time of 1800 UTC.


Kind regards,



Julie Hedlund, Policy Director


ACTION ITEMS: Chair/Vice Chair Elections: 
Wolf-Ulrich Knoben will send suggested revisions to the timeline table (DONE)
Staff will produce a second revision of Section 2.2 of the GNSO Operating Procedures (Officer Elections: Chair/Vice-Chair Elections) to include the following changes:
(a)     Revise the following sentence in sections 2.2.1(1) and 2.2.1(2) to include the bracketed text: “The deadline for the vacant House to designate its Interim Vice Chair is [no later than 23h59 Coordinate Universal Time (UTC)] 14 calendar days following the Council meeting at which no Chair was conclusively elected.”

(b)     Change the title of the table to “Chair Election Timeline” and include the suggested changes from Wolf-Ulrich in the table.
SCI members will review the revision on the list and finalize it no later than at the 02 June meeting.  
Staff will submit the final revision for a Consensus Call for two weeks (02-16 June).  
Once the Consensus Call is completed Amr Elsadr, as the SCI Liaison to the GNSO Council, will send an update to the Council on its list for possible discussion in Helsinki on 30 June (document deadline 20 June).

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