[Gnso-newgtld-wg-wt1] Actions/Discussion Notes: Work Track 1 Sub Team Meeting 13 December

Steve Chan steve.chan at icann.org
Tue Dec 13 22:27:11 UTC 2016

Dear Sub Team Members,


Please see below the action items and discussion notes captured by staff from the meeting on 13 December.  These high-level notes are designed to help Work Track Sub Team members navigate through the content of the call and are not a substitute for the recording.  Please also see the recording on the meetings page at: https://community.icann.org/display/NGSPP/Work+Track+1+Meetings.






Notes and Action Items 13 December



4. Applicant Support


- Financial support by itself is inadequate (e.g., coaching, mentoring, partnering)


- Need perspectives of those in relevant areas


- Rubens - one idea is to lift a bit vertical integration restrictions for under-developed markets



5. Application Process & Cost


-  Clarity of Application Process


    - Clarifying Questions, Streamline Answer Submission, Contacts by Categories, Knowledge Database


- Streamline Answer Submissions


    - Re: RSP "tick a box" to note using RSP (already identified via RSP discussion, should be tied back here)


- What is the purpose of seeing the actual CQ and responses versus the themes, categories, etc. as identified in the PIRR?


- Trang - As Donna mentioned, CQs could be indicative of the nature of the question, which is not a process issue. They could also be an indication of the non-structured way that answers were collected, which is a process issue that can be fixed. 



6. Application Submission Period & Queuing 


- Is there a floor price that should be established to avoid TLDs becoming a commodity? Or ceiling?


- Invoices - allow for generation, but make it optional (since there may be tax implications)


- Should $185k have any bearing on future costing estimates/models?


- Cost recovery was basis for 2012 round - should that carry forward? It's very difficult to do without a true understanding of demand (e.g., 2012 round had far more than the estimated 500 applications)


- Is there support for cost recovery in future processes? What are the alternatives? 


    - Rubens - "market value" pricing


- Donna - Went with fixed fee because demand was unknown


- Cheryl - Support the concept of cost-recovery, thinks that first-movers assume some risks, higher costs. As such, uneven playing field is ok.


- Alan - Supports points of Cheryl. How/who puts forward a number?


- Rubens - Perhaps the policy and the implementation drifted apart, but the policy guidance was cost-recovery and this still seems to resonante with people. 


- Kurt - we won't know costs until the policy and implementation work is done, i.e., when we have a new question set. E.g., if categories are included, that would drive costs up; and the form of objection processes drive costs also. 


- Support from multiple commenters to stick with previous approach from 2012 round.







Steven Chan

Sr. Policy Manager



12025 Waterfront Drive, Suite 300

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steve.chan at icann.org

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