[Gnso-newgtld-wg-wt2] recording, Attendance & AC Chat for New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Sub Team – Track 2 – Legal/Regulatory Issues 12 January 2017

Terri Agnew terri.agnew at icann.org
Thu Jan 12 21:38:41 UTC 2017

Dear All,

Please find the attendance and recording of the call attached to this email and the AC Chat below for the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Sub Team – Track 2 – Legal/Regulatory Issues held on Thursday, 12 January 2017 at 20:00 UTC.

The recordings of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master Calendar page: http://gnso.icann.org/en/group-activities/calendar

** Please let me know if your name has been left off the list **

Mailing list archives: http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/gnso-newgtld-wg-wt2

Wiki page: https://community.icann.org/x/FwSbAw

Thank you.

Kind regards,



Adobe Connect chat transcript for 12 January 2017

    Terri Agnew:Welcome to the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Sub Team – Track 2 – Legal/Regulatory Issues call on Thursday, 12 January 2017 at 20:00 UTC.

  Terri Agnew:agneda wiki page: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__community.icann.org_x_M7PDAw&d=DgIFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=DRa2dXAvSFpCIgmkXhFzL7ar9Qfqa0AIgn-H4xR2EBk&m=dcFuY8fjQaUtdACDCK8_5ayhGm9lWahbxBVLie5f1vw&s=XQPF1UcTYqg6YzuVuQCC1rzFT7MSH0cK94xQZS3Yg-k&e=

  Jim Prendergast:15 - the magic number

  Jeff Neuman:phil can you hit mute until you speak :)

  Terri Agnew:Please remember to mute when not speaking

  Terri Agnew:everyone can scroll themselves

  Jeff Neuman:It should be noted that there were MANY discussions between the GAC and the Board on Geographic and geopolitical names between the 2009 recommendation and what was eventually put into the Guidebook.  But NO policy development process was ever commenced to discuss those protections during that time period

  Susan Payne - Valideus 2:we are dealing at 2nd level here though aren't we, or am I mistaken?  whereas CWG-CTN is top level

  Michael Flemming:Second level

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):yes understand it is 2nd level

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):but the concerns I have heard raised reflect in Top andb2nd...

 Rubens Kuhl:Note that there are dissenting views regarding use of RSEP to release reserved names. ICANN is currently adopting such view, but some think it should be a different process, even in current policy guidance.

  Michael Flemming:I made a note on that Rubens, but you sum it up so sweetly.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):note in my time in suDA Board I fought to and succeeded to release Lower level names so I am not 'anti'

  Susan Payne - Valideus 2:OK, thanks Cheryl, understood.  But in terms of what has been discussed in the CWG, we have only been talking about 2nd level

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):understand that Susan

  Alan Greenberg:Sorry to be late.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):even in our Work in the most recent CWG whose name itself is specified separation of the levels N in community understanding and and concerns has always been a 'challenge'

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):agree Jeff

  Rubens Kuhl:.com and .net are pretty old namespaces... new namespaces might require introductory measures, like sunrise.  Legacy gTLDs are benchmarks, but a grain of salt in comparing is required.

  Kristina Rosette (Amazon Registry):Support creation of drafting team (which may not be smaller given interest), but agree on creating subteam

  avri doria:i still have not graduated beyond what was in the original GNSO policy of 2007.  and that is a lost casue (personal opinion)

  Rubens Kuhl:One issue in allowing Brand TLDs is what happens if the TLD is repurposed to not be a Brand TLD, which is a registry operator option at anytime without consulting, just informing, ICANN.

  avri doria:i find having difrent such rules for different categories very problematic (again personal view)

  Mary Wong:For clarity (including for WT members not on the call), what is the specific focus and brief for the Drafting Team, and what will be its anticipated timeline to deliver its proposal?

  Susan Payne - Valideus 2:support drafting team too.  I think it wouldmbe helpful for those who join to familiarise themselves with how we got from the policy to the AGB as not all of us are probably familiar with the full history

  Kristina Rosette (Amazon Registry):We should make clear that GAC representatives are welcome to participate..

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):one of many similar concerns Rubens... yes

  avri doria:Susan, that was easy, without going back to the GNSO the BoardStaff decided.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):indeed Kristina

  avri doria:I think they know they are welcome, but alwasy good to mention it again

  Jeff Neuman:Lets confirm the 2009 policy on this

  Kristina Rosette (Amazon Registry):Support confirming 2009 policy on gTLD Reserved Names (2nd & 3rd levels ASCII and IDN)

  Susan Payne - Valideus 2:sorry, audio issues

  Rubens Kuhl:Looking at collision lists, some popular legacy TLDs (both gTLDs and ccTLDs) deserve a bit of care. While I also support confirming the 2009 policy, this is a factor that new gTLD operators should assess and hopefully make informed decisions.

  Rubens Kuhl:I don't see possibility of human confusion, but some name collisions can occur.

  Rubens Kuhl:Due to suffix appending.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):and name collision needs to be avoided

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):SAC90

  Phil Buckingham 2:steve , emily - before i start , can one of you  do the scrolling of the powerpoint . much appreciated.

  Christa Taylor:+1 Susan on the ship has sailed

  Steve Chan:@Phil, sure thing.

  Phil Buckingham 2:thanks

  Susan Payne - Valideus 2:yes, agree

  Phil Buckingham 2:+1 Alan  - impossible

  Christa Taylor:Agree with Alan

  Michael Flemming:Can you hear me?

  Christa Taylor:no

  Julie Hedlund:Can't hear you Michael.

  avri doria:i go as far as to call it unreasonable (again personal view)

  avri doria:there are only 7 in the US?

  Christa Taylor:+1 Avri

  Rubens Kuhl:Jeff, just type s*** etc. ;-)

  avri doria:ah the s-word, the f-word ... modern Merican  speak

  Jeff Neuman:s***, f***, p***. m************, c***, t****, and one other that escapes me for now

  Jeff Neuman::)

  avri doria:https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__en.wikipedia.org_wiki_Seven-5Fdirty-5Fwords&d=DgIFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=DRa2dXAvSFpCIgmkXhFzL7ar9Qfqa0AIgn-H4xR2EBk&m=dcFuY8fjQaUtdACDCK8_5ayhGm9lWahbxBVLie5f1vw&s=ZQ0X4TDcYiUU1HgssiABU_2HQ4-eebaYqWMnyuqyu_U&e=

  Susan Payne - Valideus 2:p***??

  Jeff Neuman:oh yes c**********

  Steve Chan:FYI, the language Michael is reading is from the base registry agreement.

  Mary Wong:There is ongoing implementation of Board-adopted GNSO PDP recommendations regarding a few names for the Red Cross movement and names of IGOs.

  Jeff Neuman:I agree on this category and the IGOs

  Mary Wong:Per Alan, other Red Cross names are still under discussion.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):agree Susan

  Rubens Kuhl:One organisation that I don't believe deserves any special treatment is IOC.

  Rubens Kuhl:"I don't want to be buried in a Pet Cemetery,I don't want to live my life again."

  Mary Wong:@Michael, to add - what I said (i.e. long list currently now reserved under Spec 5) also applies to IGOs. The only reserved protections approved so far for IGOs are their names. Their acronyms are now on the list only on an interim basis.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):good point Jeff

  Rubens Kuhl:Which would allow the International Sugar Organization to get ISO.<something> instead of the International Standards Organization...

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):agree again Susan

  Mary Wong:All, note that in the current implementation for Red Cross, IOC and IGOs - there will be an Exception procedure for the protected organization.

  Jeff Neuman:@alan - you would not believe the pushback we get from GDD to release names where express consent via letters on letterhead are provided

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):thx Mary

  Phil Buckingham 2:it seems unlikely we will start Reg Protections  tonite / today . How many would be up for a call next Thursday 19 same time  . Call s in namescon week are canx

  Alan Greenberg:@Rubens, there is nothing on the table that would prohibit thee Standards Organization from registering ISO, All that is being propossed is that the character strings go into the trademark clearinghose so that a flag would be raised when the name is registerd.

  Susan Payne - Valideus 2:fine by me phil

  Terri Agnew:At this time the next call is scheduled for: New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Sub Team – Track 2 – Legal/Regulatory Issues will take place on Thursday, 02 February 2017 at 20:00 UTC.

  Phil Buckingham 2:thanks terry

  Phil Buckingham 2:terri

  Emily Barabas 2:The leadership sync is on Wed. The slot at 20:00 UTC on Thursday is free.

  Alan Greenberg:All options ar eok with me.

  Jeff Neuman:ouch

  Michael Flemming:That is actual joy

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):my calender needs updating then

  Steve Chan:2000UTC on 19 February does precede the GNSO Council meeting however.

  Jeff Neuman:Thanks all!

  Christa Taylor:Thank-you

  Susan Payne - Valideus 2:thanks all

  Phil Buckingham 2:well  done Michael

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