[Gnso-newgtld-wg-wt3] August 1st 15:00 UTC Discussion Agenda

Robin Gross robin at ipjustice.org
Mon Jul 31 22:04:12 UTC 2017

Dear WT3 Members:

Our next WT3 meeting is scheduled for Tuesday August 1st at 15:00 UTC (60 minutes).  The meeting’s discussion agenda and CC2 questions on which we'll focus are below.

Please note that staff has compiled a number of responses to our discussion questions already in the attached “themes” document, and so please review these responses in advance to our call for the fullest discussion on Tuesday.  Thank you.

I hope you all can join in the call.


1. Welcome
2. SOI Updates
3. Plenary Update
4. CC2 Response Reviews 
    Objections Continued - Questions 3.1.6 - 3.1.11 (see below)
5. AOB

We will continue our review of the CC2 responses and in particular to the following questions:

3.1.6 - Do you believe that the use of an Independent Objector (IO) is warranted in future application processes? If not, then why? If yes, then would you propose any restrictions or modifications be placed on the IO in future rounds?

3.1.7 - Do you believe that parties to disputes should be able to choose between 1 and 3 member panels and should the costs of objections reflect that choice?

3.1.8. - Is clearer guidance needed in regards to consolidation of objections? Please explain.

3.1.9 - Many community members have highlighted the high costs of objections. Do you believe that the costs of objections created a negative impact on their usage? If so, do you have suggestions for improving this issue? Are there issues beyond cost that might impact access, by various parties, to objections?

3.1.10 - Do you feel that GAC Early Warnings were helpful in identifying potential concerns with applications? Do you have suggestions on how to mitigate concerns identified in GAC Early Warnings?

3.1.11. - What improvements and clarifications should be made to GAC Advice procedures? What mitigation mechanisms are needed to respond to GAC Advice? How can timelines be made more precise?

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