[gnso-rds-pdp-purpose] My "Big 5" documents

Kathy Kleiman kathy at kathykleiman.com
Fri Apr 22 21:06:27 UTC 2016

Hi All,
What a tome we have created!  Tx to all for the work, effort and 
insight. Tx Susan for asking about our top 5 picks from the Purpose List.

The documents that I think are most important:

1)    One not yet on our list (but so often referenced that it really 
must be): the EU Data Protection Directive (1995). This is the 
foundational document for the Article 29 Working Party opinions and so 
many other materials posted on our list. It is the EU law that creates 
the requirement of “purpose” in the collection, processing, retention, 
use and additional uses of data. It is the basis for this discussion 
(and Council of Europe Treaty 108 as well, signed by dozens of 
countries). Both were the first main documents to set out the 
requirement and definition of "purpose." I would request that both be 
added to our list - with the summaries already posted on the "Privacy 
checklist." Tx!

2)    Opinion 03/2013 on Purpose Limitation by the Article 29 Working 
Party (issued April 2, 2013) is directly relevant to our work and 
providing clear input and insight to our understanding and 
interpretation of “purpose” as required under the EU Data Protection 
Directive (above).

3) the European Commission’s webpages on “Obligations of Data 
Controllers” and “Definition of Data Controllers” provides clear and 
accessible definitions and guidance as to who the "purpose" obligations 
apply to -- and helping us understand the obligations of those 
collecting data and those setting the policy for it.

4) I am still thinking about documents 4 and 5. :-)

Best and have a good weekend,

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