[gnso-rds-pdp-wg] Materials to assist WG in catching up on ICANN 61 progress

Chuck consult at cgomes.com
Thu Mar 22 17:17:11 UTC 2018

Note for ALL:  during the last portion of the Wednesday afternoon F2F WG meeting in Puerto Rico we started deliberation on whether the proposed ICANN Contractual Compliance purpose is a legitimate purpose for processing any RDS data.  As stated below in Caitlin’s message, this agenda item begins on page 25 of the transcript and at the 2:18:25 mark in the recording.  In my opinion, it was a great example of effective consensus policy development collaboration.  Not only was there good give and take and resulting progress but there was also good humor.


ACTION ITEM for those who those who were not able to participate in the deliberation portion of in the Wednesday afternoon F2F WG meeting in Puerto Rico: I encourage you to do one of the following:

*	Listen to the recording starting at 2:18:25,  (This is probably the best way to get the full flavor of the deliberation.)
*	Read pages 25 to 43 of the transcript
*	Review the 4-page table of comment excerpts that I prepared.  (This is the quickest way to get an overview of the main questions and points made.)


There were several factors that may have contributed to the success of the deliberation: 1) we had a smaller group in the room because of conflicting meetings; 2) there was no Adobe chat, so everyone focused on what speakers were saying and shared their input orally; 3) we were dealing with one of the easier proposed purposes; and 4) we had ICANN Compliance team members in the room to answer our questions.  Despite the smaller numbers, I think different interest groups were fairly well represented.  Constructive questions were asked and answered.  And there was broad participation by most of the members present.


We didn’t finish deliberation on the ICANN Contractual Compliance purpose, but I believe a good foundation was laid to help us finish our deliberation in a future meeting.


Thanks to all of you who made it a success.






From: gnso-rds-pdp-wg <gnso-rds-pdp-wg-bounces at icann.org> On Behalf Of Caitlin Tubergen
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2018 5:32 PM
To: gnso-rds-pdp-wg at icann.org
Subject: [gnso-rds-pdp-wg] Materials to assist WG in catching up on ICANN 61 progress


Dear Colleagues,


For those of you wishing to catch up on the WG’s F2F progress at ICANN61, please note two items of interest:


1.	the appended purpose definitions <https://community.icann.org/display/gTLDRDS/Phase+1+Documents> , which now include the exercise from ICANN61 and the accompanying WG discussion notes; and
2.	the transcript <https://static.ptbl.co/static/attachments/169791/1521125825.pdf?1521125825>  and recording <http://audio.icann.org/meetings/sju61/sju61-OPEN-2018-03-14-T1906-208bc-1NjIHBwznicUjMMC2brfzQ3DHHQvugyw-en.m3u>  from the 14 March meeting <https://community.icann.org/display/gTLDRDS/2018-03-14+-+F2F+meeting+at+ICANN61> , which covers the beginning of the discussion of ICANN Contractual Compliance as a possible purpose for processing registration data.  (The relevant discussion begins on p. 25 of the transcript; 02:18:25 in the recording)


In an effort to assist WG members who wish to catch up on the second item, Chuck has also created an excerpt document, which highlights some of the key statements made by WG members during its discussion of Contractual Compliance as a possible purpose.  Please find Chuck’s document attached.  


For additional information, please refer to the the meeting pages from 10 March 2018 <https://community.icann.org/display/gTLDRDS/2018-03-10+-+F2F+meeting+at+ICANN61>  and 14 March 2018 <https://community.icann.org/display/gTLDRDS/2018-03-14+-+F2F+meeting+at+ICANN61> .


Thank you.


Kind regards,


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