[Gnso-rpm-protection] Recordings, Attendance & AC Chat from Sub Team for Additional Marketplace RPMs meeting on Friday, 15 September 2017 16:00 UTC

Julie Bisland julie.bisland at icann.org
Fri Sep 15 18:51:58 UTC 2017

Dear All,

Please find the attendance of the call attached to this email. The MP3, Adobe Connect recording and Adobe Connect chat below for the Sub Team for Additional Marketplace RPMs call on Friday, 15 September 2017 at 16:00 UTC.

Attendance and recordings of the call are also posted on agenda wiki page:  https://community.icann.org/x/RSohB

MP3:  http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-marketplace-rpm-15sep17-en.mp3
Adobe Connect recording:    https://participate.icann.org/p62cqznquig/<https://participate.icann.org/p62cqznquig/?OWASP_CSRFTOKEN=00c812ada3468bdbf76ab76ba262cba38f6b379ff1ecf84d6fb621aa57924c15>

The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master Calendar page: http://gnso.icann.org/en/group-activities/calendar

** Please let me know if your name has been left off the list **

Mailing list archives: http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/gnso-rpm-protection/

Thank you.

Kind regards,


Adobe Connect chat transcript for 15 September 2017:

  Julie Bisland:Welcome to the Sub Team for Additional Marketplace RPMs call on Friday, 15 September 2017 at 16:00 UTC.

  Julie Bisland:Agenda wiki page:  https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__community.icann.org_x_RSohB&d=DwICaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=QiF-05YzARosRvTYd84AB_UYInlydmFcjNmBM5XgySw&m=Jp6M-E0VYzopjzhu0TkOd5FZYrcTQwL0mKpi7uTbnO8&s=fG2ag5udrFFAtFw3wQetDTcJzO_s7ccGCS4qZ6gSu_A&e=

  Amr Elsadr:Hey there, Julie.

  Amr Elsadr::)

  Mary Wong:Having trouble with my mic, will call in

  Julie Bisland:ok, thnak you

  Julie Bisland:goodness, THANK you. :)

  Kristine Dorrain - Amazon Registry Services:Are we live?

  Mary Wong:@Kristine, yes - are you able to hear?

  Kristine Dorrain - Amazon Registry Services:Nope, i'll dial in.

  Philip Corwin:Hello all

  Steve Levy:Hi folks

  Jeff Neuman:I dont see the question in the document on adobe now

  Mary Wong:@Jeff, they are in the Agenda pod on the right

  Mary Wong:We did not add them into the document b/c it wasn't yet agreed language.

  Kristine Dorrain - Amazon Registry Services:OK, I'm on the phone now.

  Kristine Dorrain - Amazon Registry Services:(I know you were all worried!)

  Susan Payne:yes

  Mary Wong:Kristine suggested that it was an overarching question

  Kristine Dorrain - Amazon Registry Services:I support moving Q5 up.

  Julie Bisland:sorry looking for this line

  David McAuley:that would not be a 'preliminary' repiort then, would it?

  Paul McGrady:Greg - please mute

  David McAuley:agree with what Paul just said

  Kristine Dorrain - Amazon Registry Services:what?

  Kristine Dorrain - Amazon Registry Services:Can you please repeat the instructions?

  Kristine Dorrain - Amazon Registry Services:I've maybe not had enough coffee.

  Kristine Dorrain - Amazon Registry Services:I agree with deleting it.

  Paul McGrady:@Kristine - just an open queue about keeping it or not.

  Kristine Dorrain - Amazon Registry Services:Ok thanks

  Kristine Dorrain - Amazon Registry Services:Kathy, you're muffled.

  Jeff Neuman:Which part of the question is needed Kathy

  Jeff Neuman:I support deleting as well

  Mary Wong:In case it is helpful, he first part of this question was initially part of the Charter questions for Trademark Claims.

  Jeff Neuman:Asking how something can be mre transparent implies that the TMCH is either not transparent at all or that it is not transparent enough.  Very subjective

  Jeff Neuman:What does "sufficiently transparent" mean?

  Kristine Dorrain - Amazon Registry Services:@Phil, I don't oppose asking the question "are TMCH services transparent," but we are asking that on the Sunrise and Claims services subteams already...

  Kurt Pritz:I am in favor of deleting it, I have been trying to re-write it in a way that adds additional information compared to the questions already asked and haven't come up with a formulation that does that.

  Jeff Neuman:Also, what is the requirement that they be transparent?

  Jeff Neuman:Where can that be found?

  Jon Nevett:Agree with Kurt -- delete it

  Philip Corwin:@Jeff--generally, it would mean that information about the contracts, policies,and services is readily available.

  Kristine Dorrain - Amazon Registry Services:Jeff, I took Phil's understanding of transparent...mostly accessible.

  Philip Corwin:To reiterate, I favor retaining only the first sentence in neutral format.

  David McAuley:I like Phil's modification but still think it is asked elsewhere

  Susan Payne:agree David - it's already covered

  Mary Wong:Yes that;;'s right Paul

  Philip Corwin:Thanks David

  Susan Payne:speak for yourself - nearly beer o'clock here Paul

  Kurt Pritz:Past beer o'clock

  Jeff Neuman:It would be easier to see final clean versions before deciding order

  Susan Payne:hear hera

  Kristine Dorrain - Amazon Registry Services:Agree with Jeff, seems fine so long as we move Q2

  Kristine Dorrain - Amazon Registry Services:Q5

  Kristine Dorrain - Amazon Registry Services:Sorry

  Mary Wong:That's right, Paul - so it should not take too long at all to review a clean version, which we will send shortly.

  Kristine Dorrain - Amazon Registry Services:Agree with Paul, at this point it should be typos

  Amr Elsadr:Note that Question 6 is meant to be replaced by the questions suggested by Jeff.

  Susan Payne:that also works

  Mary Wong:Jeff's questions are on the right, in teh Agenda pod

  Jon Nevett:how about we leave question ordering to Mary/Amr?

  David McAuley:+1 @ Jon

  Mary Wong:The choice is between moving Q6 to follow either Q1 or Q3, yes?

  Susan Payne:honestly I don't have really strong views on this

  Kristine Dorrain - Amazon Registry Services:5, 1, 4, 6, 2????  But also, not strong views, we'll get there either way

  Kristine Dorrain - Amazon Registry Services:, 3

  Philip Corwin:3 seems logical -- but not a major issue. All questions wil be addressed regardless

  Susan Payne:I'm wirthdrawing my suggstion :)

  Kristine Dorrain - Amazon Registry Services:Only a strong view on Q5

  Susan Payne:yep

  Kristine Dorrain - Amazon Registry Services:good, just checking :)

  Mary Wong:OK, so only Q5 moves up, and everything else stays where it is

  Philip Corwin:Always take yes for an answer ;-)

  David McAuley:well done Paul, nice leadership

  Kathy Kleiman:Congratulations, General Paul!

  Mary Wong:Nothing from staff exept a thank you to Paul and everyone

  Kristine Dorrain - Amazon Registry Services:Thank you Paul

  Susan Payne:Yes, thanks Paul

  Kristine Dorrain - Amazon Registry Services:We cats appreciate the good job herding

  Jon Nevett:Thanks Paul!

  Steve Levy:Thanks for all your great help and leadership, Paul!

  Mary Wong:Thanks everyone!

  David McAuley:QED

  Griffin Barnett:many thanks Paul, and all

  Steve Levy:Bye all!

  Greg Shatan:Thanks Paul!

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