[gnso-rpm-wg] Chair Nomination/s

Petter Rindforth petter.rindforth at fenixlegal.eu
Fri Apr 8 22:25:45 UTC 2016

Dear WG members,
I look forward to work with you all with our WG’s indeed interesting and important topics!
Following the nomination procedure, I also note that we have two very experienced and good candidates.
Considering the complexity of our work, the need to have efficient WG meetings as well as to ensure that we all also participate between our meeting to come up with suggestions and conclusions meeting the official deadlines, I think it is a good idea to have two co-chairs.
Therefore, I hereby nominate/support Phil Corwing and J Scott Evans as these two Co-chairs.

I also think it would be practical to have 2 Sub-chairs, to assist the Co-chairs in the work, for example to administrate possible sub-groups on special topics.
If the WG agrees of my suggestion of Sub-chairs, I hereby announce my interest to serve as one of them.
I am the Managing partner of Fenix Legal KB, based in Sweden. Some of my WG topic related experiences are:
Sub Chair, IGO-INGO Access to Curative Rights Protection Mechanisms Working Group since 2014;Arbitrator (“Panelist”) for: the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center in UDRP cases since 2000, the National Arbitration Forum (NAF) since 2001, the Swedish Society for Internet Infrastructure (IIS) since 2003 and the Czech Arbitration Court since 2005,appointed by WIPO as Premium Name Expert for .mobi in 2006, NAF Panelist for .xxx RES and CEDRP 2011, WIPO Legal Rights Objection Expert 2012, NAF URS Examiner 2013, WIPO TM PDDRP Panelist 2013, NAF PDDRP Panelist 2013, NAF RRDRP Panelist 2013; Member of the INTA Internet Committee; Special Reporter Domain Names of the Fédération Internationale des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle (FICPI); main author of the Swedish domain name regulations for IIS/.SE; member of the GNSO Council 2012 – 2014 (representing IPC).

All the best,

Petter Rindforth, LL M

Fenix Legal KB
Stureplan 4c, 4tr
114 35 Stockholm
Fax: +46(0)8-4631010
Direct phone: +46(0)702-369360
E-mail: petter.rindforth at fenixlegal.eu

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Fenix Legal KB, Sweden, www.fenixlegal.eu
Thank you

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