[Internal-cg] Proposed agenda for July 17-18

Milton L Mueller mueller at syr.edu
Tue Jul 8 23:45:44 UTC 2014

Nice job of thinking through what we need to do in the first meeting. 
I support it as a starting point. 

FYI, due to a previous engagement, I have to leave the US in the late afternoon of the 16th, so will not arrive in Heathrow (assuming the flight is on time) until 7 am, so there is a chance I won't get to the meeting until after it has started. 


> -----Original Message-----
> From: internal-cg-bounces at icann.org [mailto:internal-cg-
> bounces at icann.org] On Behalf Of Alissa Cooper
> Sent: Tuesday, July 8, 2014 6:20 PM
> To: internal-cg at icann.org
> Subject: [Internal-cg] Proposed agenda for July 17-18
> Hi all,
> Looking forward to working with you on this important effort. I think I know
> most of you, but for those who I do not: I’m Alissa Cooper, one of the IETF
> appointees. I work for Cisco on collaboration technologies (voice, WebEx,
> video conferencing). I’m currently one of the IETF’s 15 area directors. I’m
> based in California.
> I’ve attached a proposed agenda for the July 17-18 meeting, developed in
> discussion with some IETF/IAB colleagues. This is very much a draft so it
> would be great to get discussion going with comments/edits/criticisms.
> Since the group will be somewhat large (~30 people), I made each slot a bit
> on the long side.
> Best,
> Alissa

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