[ispcp] [SECRETARIAT] Elections for ICANN gNSO Representative and NomCom

Mark McFadden mcf at uwm.edu
Sun Dec 11 18:09:06 UTC 2005


The nominations period for our ISPCP gNSO Council and NomCom 
representatives is now closed.  Those individuals who have been 
nominated are being contacted to see if they are willing to serve in the 
roles for which they have been nominated.

I'll report back to the constituency once this process is complete.



Mark McFadden
Internet, Wireless and Security Certifications
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Programs at: http://www.sce-it.uwm.edu
Contact me:  e: mcf at uwm.edu  Y!IM: mcfadden  AIM: McElmside
<a href="http://beta.plazes.com/whereis/McFadden">Where is Mark</a> right now?
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