[Latingp] Correcton of mistakes: Your answer to one question is needed until 18th of February

Tan Tanaka, Dennis dtantanaka at verisign.com
Thu Feb 16 18:08:09 UTC 2017

Dear Mirjana,

4 hours per a 2-week period seems doable for most weeks. Exceptions being during time off from work.


From: <latingp-bounces at icann.org> on behalf of Mirjana Tasić <Mirjana.Tasic at rnids.rs>
Date: Thursday, February 16, 2017 at 9:58 AM
To: Michael Bauland <michael.bauland at knipp.de>, "latingp at icann.org" <latingp at icann.org>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [Latingp] Correcton of mistakes: Your answer to one question is needed until 18th of February

Dear GP members,

Sorry again for not being clear with my question.

The question should be

 Could you devote 2 hours per week in next six months for attestation of Latin code points?

Actually, the time for two weeks will be used as follows: 3 hours for working on attestation and one hour for conference call.

As far as the other question on time necessary for process a language, I can repeat what was discussed during last conference call. Our test showed that the average time per language was 21,25min. During the call Sarmad has suggested that we can make calculations with 20min, because the skills of volunteers will improve in time, and the processing will require less time.

I think that, if it appears some very difficult situation in identification of some letters which might require unreasonable amount of time for solving, it could be marked in special table, and processed at the end.

Regards Mirjana

From: Latin GP <latingp-bounces at icann.org> on behalf of Michael Bauland <michael.bauland at knipp.de>
Date: Thursday, February 16, 2017 at 10:03
To: Latin GP <latingp at icann.org>
Subject: Re: [Latingp] Correcton of mistakes: Your answer to one question is needed until 18th of February

Dear Mirjana,

thank you for your efforts. I've got two questions/comments:

I'm not sure how you got to the average of 20 min per language. From my point of view this seems to be too optimistic. If there are just a few characters needing special treatment (e.g., finding out in which context they may occur) 20 min will not be enough by far. I would prefer to have a slightly more pessimistic view. Otherwise we might be running behind schedule too easily.

 Could you devote 4 hours in next six months for attestation of Latin code points?
What do you mean with 4 hours in six months? Is that 4 hours per week during the next six months? Then I'm sorry to say that I will not be able to provide that much time for the group. If it's 4 hours per fortnight (including the phone calls), then this might just be possible for most weeks (but due to holidays and internal project deadlines not on average for the whole duration).

Best regards,


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