[Newgtld-input] Statement .versicherung to gTLD Batching

Matthias Pfeifer rysg at dotversicherung.de
Sun Aug 19 11:05:43 UTC 2012

This is our comment comment on behalf of the applications for .versicherung, 
.reise and .immo:

** Public Interest TLDs first, then round-robin **
A fair and equitable way would be to delegate applications in an order that 
first serves
both the public interest and a multi-stakeholder approach and is based on 
community outreach,
followed by a fair and transparent process for all other applicants.
Such an order should prioritize uncontested applications that support the 
Global Public
Interest and outreach such as a) Geographical Names, b) Communities or c) 
After this a round-robin process per ICANN region would be as fair as 
possible to
applicants to release applications.

** Delegation mechanism of TLDs **
We propose a two-phase delegation mechanism:

1. Phase: Delegation of TLD which are in the Global Public Interest and 
represent multi-stakeholder
interests: Community, Geo and IDN TLDs (app. 240 TLDs).

2. Phase: Delegation of all TLDs which are unobjected, uncontested and not 
in an extended evaluation
(app. 950 TLDs). As soon as other TLDs resolve their contention, objection 
or extended evaluation,
they will be added to the TLDs from Phase 2.
The delegation of TLDs during each of these phases should be done on a 
round-robin mechanism based
on ICANN regions.
Example:  The first 20 TLDs will consist of 4 from the US (.ieee, .nyc, 
.ngo, .quebec), 4 from Europe
(.??????, .gal, .paris, .sport), 4 from Africa (.capetown,. ???, .arab, 
.durban), 4 from AsiaPac
(.kyoto, .taipeh, .cpa,.??) and 2 from Latin America (.lat, .rio). Since 
there are just 2 GeoTLDs
in Latin America and no IDN or Community applicants, the remaining 2 seats 
will be allocated via
 round-robin among the other regions.

As soon as all TLDs from one region are delegated, the round-robin will be 
executed among the
remaining regions. Once TLDs from Phase 1 are delegated, the round-robin 
continues with TLDs from
Phase 2. Applicants who qualify for Phase 1 criteria (Geo, Community, IDN) 
and resolved contention,
objection or extended evaluation, are awarded priority in the round-robin of 
Phase 2.

** Efficiencies during evaluation **
Applicants wishing to opt-out should be able to express their wish. This 
could be executed right
after the ICANN meeting in Toronto via TAS or CSC.

** Requesting an interim GAC meeting to facilitate GAC efficiencies **
To increase efficiencies with regards to GAC Advice we are requesting ICANN 
to organize an
interim GAC meeting early in 2013. If necessary we are willing to discuss if 
funding for such
a meeting could come out of the application fee funds.

** Refund of application fees after initial evaluation **
ICANN has repeatedly stated that application fees are constituted from cost 
recovery of the gTLD
program, costs for auctions/objections and a reserve. According to ICANN the 
costs associated
with the gTLD program and according to ICANN's financial plan were 
25.000.000 USD. Dividing these
costs through the 1930 applications, each applicant would have to pay 12.953 
USD instead of
USD 50.000 to achieve cost recovery for ICANN. Therefore we expect to 
receive a refund which
would according to our calculation amount to 37.046 USD per application.

** Review limitation to delegation rate **
ICANN has received the recommendation from SSAC, that the delegating of 
1.000 TLDs per year will
do no harm to the DNS. However there are no grounds which prove that 
delegating more than 1.000
TLDs annually will do harm to the DNS. Therefore we urge ICANN to consult 
with SSAC again on
the maximum delegation rate of TLDs per year.

Beste Grüße!

Matthias Pfeifer <mp at dotversicherung.de>

dotversicherung-registry GmbH
Itzenbüttler Mühlenweg 35a
21227 Bendestorf

Tel. 04183-77489-15  //  Fax. 04183-77489-19
HRB 202490 // AG Tostedt
Geschäftsführer: Axel Schwiersch

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