[Npoc-discuss] Candidate statement - Emmanuel Vitus

Emmanuel Vitus emmanuelvitus at gmail.com
Thu May 27 12:19:17 UTC 2021

*Name:* Emmanuel Vitus

*Biography & CV: *LinkedIn <https://www.linkedin.com/in/emmavitus/>

*Affiliation:* Afrotribune

*Position applied for:* Secretariat

*Why I applied for this position:*

My Name is Emmanuel Vitus. I joined NPOC years ago. I’m seeking reelection
at the NPOC Secretariat. As you are all aware, the secretariat is an
administrative position, and I promised to keep bringing fresh ideas that
can be very useful for the EC and the community. I would like to improve on
what we ought to be doing and what we have done in NPOC, especially at the
EC level.  My focus, when elected, is to work closely with the EC,
especially the membership committee to increase capacity building webinars
for members, policy engagement, strengthen them and notify them of possible
engagement/ funding opportunities. I want the secretariat to be a great
liaison between the EC and the community members.

 *Do you have any conflict(s) of interest?*: No

*How many hours per week are you able to dedicate to the position?*

5 - 10 hours or more as the demand for responsibility brings.

*Are you involved in any working Groups or PDP efforts, if so please state?*

Over the last year, I have been an active contributor to the policies
discussed at the level of NCSG and NCUC ICANN public meetings and remotely
in-between. I have participated actively at my regional RALO in the
At-large structure and the to participation of the francophone community.
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