[Npoc-discuss] Candidate statement - Gloria Patricia Meneses

Gloria Meneses gpmeneses at gmail.com
Thu May 27 19:42:29 UTC 2021

Dear all,

My name is Gloria Patricia Meneses, I'm representing Minka Digital, a Latin
American organization member of NPOC.

I have been involved in ICANN since 2014 and in NPOC since 2018,  as most
of you, I started as a fellow, have been involved in ICANN meetings
remotely and in person. Despite I am a technical person, I have been always
involved with civil organizations and technical communities that most of
the time discuss policies related to the Internet, civic society
participation, and human rights in technical environments.

I don't have any conflict of interest running for The policy chair's
position. My objective is to use my experience working with civic and
technical communities to improve and increase participation in NPOC.

I intend to dedicate  5 to 7 hours per week as Policy Chair. Remember.


Gloria Patricia Meneses Portilla
Linux user No *542404*
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