[Npoc-discuss] Candidate statement - Gloria Patricia Meneses

Olivier Kouami olivierkouami at gmail.com
Thu May 27 20:47:23 UTC 2021

You're welcome @Gloria Meneses <gpmeneses at gmail.com>
Kudos to you too !
Warm regards

Le jeu. 27 mai 2021 à 19:43, Gloria Meneses via Npoc-discuss <
npoc-discuss at icann.org> a écrit :

> Dear all,
> My name is Gloria Patricia Meneses, I'm representing Minka Digital, a
> Latin American organization member of NPOC.
> I have been involved in ICANN since 2014 and in NPOC since 2018,  as most
> of you, I started as a fellow, have been involved in ICANN meetings
> remotely and in person. Despite I am a technical person, I have been always
> involved with civil organizations and technical communities that most of
> the time discuss policies related to the Internet, civic society
> participation, and human rights in technical environments.
> I don't have any conflict of interest running for The policy chair's
> position. My objective is to use my experience working with civic and
> technical communities to improve and increase participation in NPOC.
> I intend to dedicate  5 to 7 hours per week as Policy Chair. Remember.
> Regards,
> --
> Gloria Patricia Meneses Portilla
> Linux user No *542404*
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*Olévié A. A. KOUAMI **Abd-El-Raouf *
CTO de Ets "*Le FA de la Téranga*"
CEO de l'INTIC4DEV (Institut ds TIC pour le développement)
Tél.: (+221) 77 422 16 47 (Orange) / (+221) 76 695  59 79 (Tigo)
Tel.: (Togo) : +228 90 98 86 50
*Skype : olevie1   FaceBook : @olivier.kouami.7 Twitter : #oleviek
Popenguine, région de Thiès - SENEGAL-
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