[Npoc-discuss] It's Day 2 of ICANN74! Get Session Details, Recaps, and More in the ICANN74 Newsletter.

Caleb Olumuyiwa Ogundele muyiwacaleb at gmail.com
Tue Jun 14 04:09:45 UTC 2022

ICANN74 Newsletter
14 June 2022
ICANN Board Approves Recommendations of Cross-Community Working Group on
New gTLD Auction Proceeds
By Maarten Botterman, ICANN Board Chair

It is my privilege to announce that on 12 June 2022, the ICANN Board
approved the recommendations of the Cross-Community Working Group on New
gTLD Auction Proceeds (CCWG-AP).

Through this action, the Board accepts the ICANN community’s
recommendations and looks to the ICANN organization (org) to start a new
phase of work: design, planning, and implementing an ICANN grant-giving
program. Through this program, millions of dollars will be delivered to
projects around the world to support the global interoperability,
reliability, and security of the Internet’s unique identifiers.

This decision materializes the Board’s long-standing promise to the
community that disbursement of the auction proceeds would be done in line
with community-developed proposals. The CCWG-AP was tasked with delivering
proposals to the Board for how the proceeds accrued from the auctions of
last resort in the 2012 New Generic Top-Level Domain (gTLD) Program should
be distributed. The Community devoted years of work to reach consensus
recommendations, which form the basis of a grant-making program that has
the potential to positively impact the Internet ecosystem and people across
the world in furtherance of ICANN’s mission. The Board looks forward to org
developing a program in line with the community’s recommendations.

For more information, read my blog
Ushering in the Next Generation of Root Zone Management
By Kim Davies, VP, IANA Services
and President of PTI

A little over 10 years ago, ICANN helped launch the Root Zone Management
a suite of interrelated components that modernized the management of the
Domain Name System root zone. Some of the improvements it brought included
automating many phases of processing, which improved processing accuracy
and reduced processing times. Another improvement was launching a
self-service portal that allowed managers of top-level domains to perform
common tasks by themselves.

RZMS's origins date back to the early 2000s. While it has fulfilled its
objective well, over time our needs have grown and some of the designs
built into the original system have constrained our ability to evolve the
platform moving forward.

ICANN org's Engineering and Information Technology team, which develops the
RZMS, made the decision to rebuild the entire platform from the ground up,
to create a modern modular system that would be more adaptable to future

For more details on the next steps and upcoming launch, read my blog
Update on ICANN Work Stream 2 Implementation
By Giovanni Seppia, VP, Implementation Operations

ICANN org has made significant progress addressing Work Stream 2 (WS2)
implementation since our last update.

WS2 of the Cross-Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability
comprises nearly 100 accountability and transparency-related
recommendations, directed at ICANN org, the ICANN Board, and the ICANN
community, which serve to ensure ICANN remains accountable to the
multistakeholder community.

At the end of the first calendar quarter of 2022 (Q1 2022), 13
recommendations directed at ICANN org were complete (up from eight at the
end of Q4 2021), while implementation was in progress for 39
recommendations (up from 30 in Q4 2021). The end of FY22 is the targeted
completion date for many recommendations, including addressing the
remaining implementation guidance on the transparency of ICANN's Board
deliberations, enhancing existing staff accountability mechanisms and
publishing service level targets, and developing of a web page containing
information relating to ICANN and the ICANN community's work on human

Read my blog
more details.
Select ICANN74 sessions will be livestreamed on YouTube as part of ICANN's
efforts to increase accessibility. These view-only livestreams provide a
low-bandwidth alternative for attendees.

Plenary Session: Who Sets ICANN's Priorities?
Tuesday, 14 June, 08:30–10:00 UTC
YouTube Livestream

Updates on Geopolitical, Legislative, and Regulatory Developments
Thursday, 16 June, 14:30–15:30 UTC
YouTube Livestream

ICANN would like to hear about your experiences at this hybrid Public
Meeting. Please email your feedback to icann74feedback at icann.org.
GAC Discussion
For the past few years, the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) has
concentrated on strengthening its collaboration and relationships with
other community groups. Yesterday, the GAC conducted its regular bilateral
meeting with the Generic Names Supporting Organization Council. Today, the
GAC will prepare for upcoming interactions with the ICANN Board and the
At-Large Advisory Committee. After those meetings, the GAC will begin
drafting the ICANN74 GAC Communiqué.

GAC Discussion: IGO Protections and Preparation for Meeting with the ICANN
14 June, 07:00 UTC
Plenary Session: Who Sets ICANN's Priorities?
Prioritization at ICANN remains an important topic, especially in light of
challenges to the multistakeholder model as a result of the COVID-19
pandemic, geopolitical pressures, increasing security concerns, and
exponential Internet growth. This plenary session will explore progress
since the plenary session during ICANN59 in 2017. The ICANN Board,
community, and org will share best practices, reflect on recent
coordination efforts such as the Prioritization Framework Pilot Project,
and look ahead to more efficient and effective shared use of limited
resources and time.

Plenary Session: Who Sets ICANN's Priorities?
| 14 June, 08:30 UTC
ccNSO: Policy Update
Two Country Code Names Supporting Organization (ccNSO) policy development
process (PDP) working groups will provide updates on their progress and
seek input from the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) community on
their proposals:

   - Third ccPDP on the Retirement of ccTLDs: The goal of this PDP is to
   report on and recommend a policy for a review mechanism for decisions
   pertaining to the delegation, transfer, revocation, and retirement of the
   delegated ccTLDs assigned to countries and territories listed in the ISO

   - Fourth ccPDP Working Group on the (De)Selection of IDN ccTLD Strings:
   This PDP defines the criteria, process, and procedures for (de)selecting
   Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) ccTLDs associated with the country
   codes assigned to countries, territories, or other areas of geopolitical
   interest listed in the ISO 3166-1 standard. The results of this PDP will
   eventually replace the IDN ccTLD Fast Track Process. The working group will
   start stress-testing the draft policy recommendations.

ccNSO Policy Update
| 14 June, 11:15 UTC
RSSAC Meeting
The Root Server System Advisory Committee (RSSAC) consists of root server
operators and root zone managers who provide advice and information to the
ICANN Board and community on topics that are broadly related to the root
server system of the Internet. In this regular monthly meeting, the RSSAC
will discuss administrative and work items. RSSAC Caucus members are
welcome to participate, and the meeting is open to observers.

RSSAC Meeting
| 14 June, 14:30 UTC
This session took place on Monday, 13 June. If you missed it, visit the
for the session materials and recordings.


The Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) Council recently formed a
small team to assist with its analysis of the System for Standardized
Access/Disclosure (SSAD) Operational Design Assessment (ODA). This team is
tasked with evaluating whether the ODA has correctly interpreted the intent
of the SSAD recommendations and has not overlooked any important aspects.
Additionally, the small team was tasked with providing the GNSO Council
with its view on concerns identified by the ICANN Board and potential
options for addressing the concerns.


   - The small team presented its work as reflected in the Preliminary
   which it shared with the GNSO Council in April. The report resulted in a
   letter from the GNSO Council to the Board recommending that the Board pause
   consideration of the SSAD recommendations. The letter also requested ICANN
   org to develop a design concept, known as a proof of concept, for the WHOIS
   Disclosure System (SSAD Light).

   - The small team considered the impact of SSAD Light on other GNSO
   Council work. This discussion was informed by a presentation from ICANN org
   that outlined how utilizing existing ICANN systems could reduce the
   resources and time needed to build the SSAD Light.

Next Steps

The GNSO Council will further consider the impact of developing a design
concept for the WHOIS Disclosure System on other activities during its
Council meeting on Wednesday, 15 June.
Photo of the Day: ICANN Board Chair Maarten Botterman introduces Board
members to ICANN74 participants at the Community Networking Cocktail.
Fika Coffee Breaks

Twice-daily coffee breaks will be held in Lobby 3 at 10:00 UTC and 14:30
CEST (UTC+2). See the schedule
for details.
[image: ICANN69 icon graphic ig]
Community Cocktails

Join us for a daily Community Networking Cocktail at 17:30–18:30 CEST
(UTC+2) in Lobby 3.

Special Session

   - Wednesday: Community Excellence Award Presentation

Words From Fellowship Program Leaders and Alumni
ICANN celebrates the 15th anniversary of the ICANN Fellowship Program, our
oldest global capacity-development program. Learn more about the program in
this blog
Here, past program leaders and participants share their experiences and
offer words of advice for new Fellows.
Seun Ojedeji

"I am glad to see the [ICANN] Fellowship grow and evolve to what it is
today; it has produced leaders across the ICANN community, staff, and up to
the Board level. I celebrate and thank all those who have contributed to
this wonderful initiative. Long live the fellowship!"
Amrita Choudhury
APRALO Vice President

"[The] ICANN Fellowship is the best example of a successful community
development initiative to bring in diverse and new voices from across the
globe into the ICANN ecosystem. Congratulations to all on this momentous
landmark. May this initiative keep growing!"
NARALO Elects Two New Leaders
North American Regional At-Large Organization (NARALO) members elected two
leadership positions during the 2022 At-Large leadership election process.

The NARALO Chair seat will be occupied by Greg Shatan
for a two-year term beginning at the end of this year’s ICANN Annual
General Meeting (AGM) through the 2024 ICANN AGM. Greg is currently serving
on the At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) as a Nominating Committee
appointment. He is a representative of the Internet Society (ISOC) New York
Chapter, and member of the ISOC DC Chapter, both of which are NARALO
At-Large Structures. Greg has been involved with ICANN since 2007 and has
regularly attended ICANN meetings since 2013.

The ALAC member seat for the 2022–2024 term will be occupied by Bill Jouris
. Bill has been involved with ICANN for the last seven years, primarily
with the Internationalized Domain Name project. He has participated in the
ALAC Consolidated Policy Working Group since 2018.

For more information about these elections, visit the ALAC community page
Edward McNair
United States of America
Edward McNair has been the Executive Director of the North American Network
Operators' Group (NANOG) for four years. He and his teams deliver technical
education to Internet professionals across North America and the world.

Before joining NANOG, McNair ran a company that provided communications
solutions for nonprofits focused on promoting a healthy Internet ecosystem,
such as ICANN, the Internet Engineering Task Force, and the American
Registry for Internet Numbers, among others.

The mission of NANOG is: "Working together to build the Internet of
tomorrow." NANOG believes that educating and inspiring the next generation
of internet professionals is key to a healthy internet ecosystem.
“I want to learn more in-depth [knowledge] about ICANN’s multistakeholder,
bottom-up model and intend to contribute to the development of an
inclusive, resilient, and sustainable Internet for all.”
Shah Zahidur Rahman
Shah Zahidur Rahman is the Head of Business Strategy and Development at
Eyhost Ltd., an IT consultancy, Domain Name Service provider, and registrar
in Bangladesh. Already a regular remote participant of ICANN Public
Meetings, he was selected as a fellow for ICANN72.

Shah has been a member of the Generic Names Supporting Organization's
Noncommercial Stakeholder Group and Noncommercial Users Constituency since
2018, and a member of the Asian, Australasian, and Pacific Islands Regional
At-Large Organization (APRALO) since 2021. He serves as Co-Chair of the
APRALO Social Media Working Group and is interested in the policymaking
processes for generic top-level domains.

An alumnus of the Asia Pacific School on Internet Governance, Shah has
received fellowships from the Internet Engineering Task Force, the Asia
Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum, and the Internet Society.
“ICANN plays such a huge role in everyone’s daily life, but especially many
young Internet users who have not heard of ICANN. Therefore, I am not only
looking forward to learning more about ICANN’s work, but also about how to
make ICANN’s mission more accessible to young people.”
Mirabella Knoben
After beginning her law studies at the University of Münster in 2018,
Mirabella Knoben quickly realized that she was deeply interested in
Internet governance. Consequently, she decided to focus on Internet,
telecommunications, and media law and she attended various classes on
information law, media law, copyright law, and data protection law.

In her seminar paper, similar to a bachelor’s thesis, Knoben wrote about
algorithmically regulated content and freedom of speech. In the paper, she
mentioned ICANN’s multistakeholder model as a possible solution model for
respecting human rights.

Knoben’s first ICANN meeting was ICANN59 in Johannesburg. It made clear to
her that she wanted to get more deeply involved with ICANN.
Check out the updated Participation Guides
for all the information you need to attend this hybrid meeting virtually or
in person.
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