[Npoc-discuss] It's Day 3 of ICANN74! Find YouTube Livestream Links and More in the ICANN74 Newsletter.

Caleb Olumuyiwa Ogundele muyiwacaleb at gmail.com
Wed Jun 15 04:11:18 UTC 2022

ICANN74 Newsletter
15 June 2022
ICANN Publishes Root Zone Label Generation Rules Version 5
The ICANN organization (org) has published the Root Zone Label Generation
Rules Version 5
Root Zone Label Generation Rules define a set of parameters that determine
valid Internationalized Domain Name
and their variant labels for the root zone of the Domain Name System.

ICANN script communities develop RZ-LGR proposals
different scripts or writing systems through the work of Generation Panels
(GPs). These proposals, which cover 26 scripts, have now been integrated
into the fifth version of RZ-LGR by the Integration Panel following a Public
This concludes the work of all active GPs.

ICANN org would like to thank all of the GPs for their efforts and years of
hard work, and congratulate them on helping to enable the secure use of
top-level domains in local languages and scripts.
To learn more about RZ-LGR-5, read this announcement
ICANN FY23 and FY24 Planning Process Update
By Becky Nash, Vice President, Planning

I would like to update you on the status of the fiscal year 2023 (FY23) and
FY24 Planning process and the Planning Prioritization Framework Pilot.

The FY23–27 Operating and Financial Plan and FY23 Operating Plan and Budget
are on track to be considered for adoption by the ICANN Board, as indicated
in this published announcement

As for the FY24 strategic planning process, ICANN org has completed the
first phase. The objective was to collect input on trends that may impact
ICANN org's remit across five focus areas: financials, geopolitics,
governance, security, and unique identifier systems.

As part of the Planning Prioritization Framework Project
a pilot was conducted in collaboration with the ICANN community on a
specific scope of work: Board-approved Specific Review
recommendations. The Final
Prioritized List
prioritized Board-approved Specific Review recommendations from the pilot
is now published on the Finance and Planning Community workspace.

Read my blog
more information.
Updates on ICANN's DNS Security Threat Mitigation Program
By Russ Weinstein, Vice President, GDD Accounts and Services

ICANN organization is committed to doing what it can, within its mission,
to mitigate Domain Name System (DNS) security threats. To support this,
ICANN org has created the DNS Security Threat Mitigation Program
a dedicated cross-functional team focused on the mitigation of DNS security
threats, including malware, phishing, and botnets.

As we approach the end of the fiscal year, we wanted to provide an update
on this program and its many achievements and advancements. In March, ICANN
published its first DNS Abuse Trends Report
which was based on data from the Domain Abuse Activity Reporting System
ICANN developed DAAR to monitor domain abuse and registration activity
across top-level domains (TLDs).

As part of its effort to evolve the DAAR system, ICANN org is planning to
extend the reporting data to the registrar level. The primary impediment to
implementing registrar reporting has been the consistent and dependable
access to the registrar ID for each domain name registration. We are
pleased to report that we have reached an agreement to amend the Base gTLD
Registry Agreement. The change would allow ICANN org to use an existing
data set provided by registries for research purposes. ICANN org
anticipates this change will be available for Public Comment in the coming

For more updates, read my full blog
Select ICANN74 sessions will be livestreamed on YouTube as part of ICANN's
efforts to increase accessibility. These view-only livestreams provide a
low-bandwidth alternative for attendees.

Updates on Geopolitical, Legislative, and Regulatory Developments
Thursday, 16 June, 14:30–15:30 UTC
YouTube Livestream

ICANN would like to hear about your experiences at this hybrid Public
Meeting. Please email your feedback to icann74feedback at icann.org.
GNSO: IDNs EPDP Working Session
The Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) Council has initiated an
Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) for Internationalized Domain
Names (IDNs). This working session will allow the EPDP Team to continue its
deliberations of the definition of all top-level domains (TLDs) and the
management of variant labels to facilitate the delegation of variant
generic TLDs in the root zone. As IDNs are of interest to the broader ICANN
community, all ICANN74 attendees are invited to review the agenda
and to observe the session.

GNSO: IDNs EPDP Working Session (2 of 2)
| 15 June, 08:30 UTC
GNSO Council Meeting
This public GNSO Council meeting will focus on several priority policy
issues, including the potential adoption of the Final Report and
Recommendations from the Expedited Policy Development Process on Specific
Curative Rights Protections for Intergovernmental Organizations.

There will also be a discussion of the System for Standardized
Access/Disclosure to Nonpublic gTLD Registration Data Light Design Concept
and of using the GNSO Guidance Process to conduct supplemental work on
specific New gTLD Subsequent Procedures topics. The agenda is available on
Council workspace

GNSO Council Meeting
| 15 June, 11:15 UTC
Plenary Session: Who Sets ICANN's Priorities?
This session took place on Tuesday, 14 June. If you missed it, visit the
for the session materials and recordings.


This session explored the overall nature of prioritization at ICANN and
discussed progress since the plenary session during ICANN59
in June 2017. The ICANN community, Board, and org shared best practices,
reflected on recent coordination efforts such as the Prioritization
Framework Pilot Project
and sought to identify ways to improve the shared use of limited resources
and time. ICANN org developed a briefing paper
to provide participants a basic understanding of the topic.


   - Plenary Session Chair Alejandra Reynoso welcomed participants, and
   ccNSO Vice Chair Jordan Carter opened the session by noting that the
   Planning Prioritization Framework is underway.
   - Matthew Shears of the ICANN Board noted the importance of
   collaborative strategic planning among the ICANN community, Board, and org.
   - ICANN Senior Vice President of Planning Xavier Calvez reiterated that
   the Prioritization Framework Pilot Project was designed to help the ICANN
   ecosystem prioritize its work within the planning cycle in a manner that is
   transparent, inclusive, and efficient.
   - The moderators, ccNSO Councilor Chris Disspain and Registrar
   Stakeholder Group Chair Ashley Heineman, started with a poll to gauge the
   awareness of ICANN priorities. Of the participants, 24% were very aware,
   59% were somewhat aware, and 17% were not aware of ICANN priorities.
   - During the discussion, participants:
   - Affirmed the importance of ICANN’s transparency in setting its
   - Expressed concerns about the efficiency and robustness of the planning
   process and the roles and responsibilities of the ICANN community, Board,
   and org in relation to prioritization.
   - Applauded the multistakeholder model and emphasized the role of each
   ICANN community group in setting its own priorities.


   - There is shared responsibility for prioritization across the ICANN
   Board, org, and community.
   - Planning processes, such as the annual operating plan and budget and
   the strategic plan, are needed for accountability and transparency.

Next Steps

The ICANN community representatives participating in the Prioritization
Framework Pilot Project have been prioritizing the implementation of
Specific Review recommendations. Eventually, the framework will expand to
incorporate ICANN org policy implementation. Discussions like this will
continue as the ICANN community, Board, and org review progress and
identify shifting priorities.
Photo of the Day: ICANN President and CEO Göran Marby speaks during the
plenary session on prioritization at ICANN.
Fika Coffee Breaks

Twice-daily coffee breaks will be held in Lobby 3 at 10:00 UTC and 14:30
CEST (UTC+2). See the schedule
for details.
[image: ICANN69 icon graphic ig]
Community Cocktail

Join us for a daily Community Networking Cocktail at 17:30–18:30 CEST
(UTC+2) in Lobby 3.

Special Sessions

   - Today: Community Excellence Award Presentation

Words From Fellowship Program Leaders and Alumni
ICANN celebrates the 15th anniversary of the ICANN Fellowship Program, our
oldest global capacity-development program. Learn more about the program in
this blog
Here, past program leaders and participants share their experiences and
offer words of advice for new Fellows.
Wisdom Donkor
GNSO Councilor

"Congratulations on a well-deserved achievement! The fellowship program has
come a long way; it has helped ICANN and the entire Internet governance
ecosystem achieve excellence with its numerous mentorship and learning
programs. ... Let's keep going ahead and maintain our momentum – the future
is bright. Bravo!"
Ioana Stupariu
Legal Counsel and Business
Development Specialist

"I'm proud to have been a part of this amazing journey, which has given me
the chance to meet people from across the globe who share similar
interests. Former fellows know: once a fellow, always a fellow. Happy
anniversary to the Fellowship family!"
COMTELCA and ICANN Strengthen Collaboration
in Mesoamerica
Central America’s Regional Technical Commission of Telecommunications (
an intergovernmental organization operating under international public law,
is participating in ICANN74. COMTELCA coordinates and promotes the
integration and development of telecommunications in Central America and
around the world.

Since ICANN and COMTELCA signed a Memorandum of Understanding in 2016, both
organizations have collaborated on countless capacity-building projects in
the Latin American region. This aim is to foster a regional network of
stakeholders and decision-makers who contribute to ICANN's policy
development processes. Among these efforts was their collaboration on the
organization of the LAC-i- Roadshow in Central America,
capacity-development training webinars, and COMTELCA’s participation as an
observer in the ICANN Governmental Advisory Committee.
Lizania Pérez
Lizania Pérez is a telematics engineer who graduated from the Pontificia
Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra in the Dominican Republic. She also
studied management information systems at the Santo Domingo Institute of
Technology and both economics and telecommunications regulation at the
International Iberoamerican University of Puerto Rico.

Pérez has Masters degrees in Telecommunications and Information Technology
Management from the School of Industrial Organization of Madrid and in
Cybersecurity from the Santo Domingo Institute of Technology. She has held
various positions in the Dominican Institute of Telecommunications,
including: IT Professional in the Directorate of Information and
Communication Technologies, Specialist Engineer in the Directorate of
Telecommunications Regulation and Defense of Competition, and Engineer in
the Department of Cybersecurity, Electronic Commerce, and Digital Signature.

Pérez has also worked as a cybersecurity coordinator for private-sector
entities and is currently the Executive Secretary of the Regional Technical
Commission of Telecommunications, a part of the Central American
Integration System.
"As a lawyer and Internet user, I believe that global Internet usage has
long surpassed the field of entertainment and information, reaching legal
relationships between subjects who have rights and duties, while global
legislation often still lags behind that evolution."
Mariana Palma Vidotti
Mariana Palma Vidotti is a partner at the law firm Gardemann & Vidotti,
specializing in digital and telecommunications law. She provides legal
services to Internet providers throughout Brazil. Vidotti is also the
founder of the @direito.connect project, which disseminates content about
Internet governance and digital law to young lawyers across both an
Instagram profile and YouTube channel with more than 3,000 followers. She
is a graduate of the Brazilian Internet Governance School.

Vidotti first became involved with ICANN as a NextGen at ICANN participant at
ICANN62, and then was first an ICANN fellow at ICANN66.
“I would like to thank the ICANN community: first for the opportunity to
participate in ICANN74 ... and second for their support and openness in
sharing their experience and knowledge.”
Liubomir Nikiforov
Liubomir Nikiforov is pursuing his Ph.D. in law and political science at
the University of Barcelona, with a focus on informed consent as a valid
legal tool for data processing. He is interested in privacy and
transparency issues, as well as artificial intelligence and trustworthiness
on the Internet. When not working on his projects, Nikiforov likes to take
walks on the beach, go out with friends, and participate in an amateur
theater group that recently had its very first premiere.

Eager and grateful to attend ICANN74 as a NextGen at ICANN participant,
Nikiforov looks forward to learning and exploring where and how he can best
contribute to the ICANN community.
Check out the updated Participation Guides
for all the information you need to attend this hybrid meeting virtually or
in person.
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