[Npoc-discuss] Read Today's Session Highlights and More in the ICANN75 Newsletter

Caleb Olumuyiwa Ogundele muyiwacaleb at gmail.com
Mon Sep 19 22:28:32 UTC 2022

ICANN75 Newsletter
20 September 2022
2022 Dr. Tarek Kamel Award for Capacity Building
[image: Wolfgang Kleinwächter]
The ICANN Board has granted the 2022 Dr. Tarek Kamel Award for Capacity
Wolfgang Kleinwächter.

ICANN Board Chair Maarten Botterman announced the Board’s selection during
the ICANN75 Welcome Ceremony on Monday, 19 September. The Board recognizes
Kleinwächter’s significant efforts in capacity building on a local,
regional, and global scale. Particularly notable is Kleinwächter’s
pioneering work for the local and regional Internet Governance School

Kleinwächter participated in the award ceremony remotely and thanked the
ICANN Board for the recognition. Read the announcement
for more details on Kleinwächter’s contributions.
Malaysia’s Communications and Multimedia Ministry Welcomes ICANN75
[image: ICANN75]
The Secretary-General of Malaysia’s Communications and Multimedia Ministry,
YBhg. Dato’ Sri Haji Mohammad Mentek, shared words of welcome to those
attending ICANN75 in Kuala Lumpur:

“It is an honor for us to welcome the ICANN community to Kuala Lumpur, and
it is an acknowledgment of the huge role and contribution this community
plays towards ensuring a secure and stable Internet environment for
everyone. The bottom-up, consensus-driven, multistakeholder model and
discourse among the ICANN community has been pivotal in fostering
development and ensuring smooth coordination of the Internet addressing
ecosystem globally.”

Read the full welcome address
Select ICANN75 sessions will be livestreamed on YouTube as part of ICANN's
efforts to increase accessibility. These view-only livestreams provide a
low-bandwidth alternative for participants.

Internet Fragmentation, the DNS, and ICANN
21 September, 02:30–4:00 UTC
YouTube Livestream

ICANN Public Forum
22 September, 01:00–02:00 UTC
YouTube Livestream

24th ICANN Annual General Meeting and Community Recognition
22 September, 02:30–04:00 UTC
YouTube Livestream

Updates on Geopolitical, Legislative, and Regulatory Developments
22 September, 05:15–06:30 UTC
YouTube Livestream

Driving Local Change for UA Adoption Globally
As current tools and services are increasingly able to support Universal
Acceptance (UA), it’s critical that the deployment of technology at the
local level is UA ready in order to support global adoption. Join the Universal
Acceptance Steering Group
for a session led by UA Local Initiatives and UA Ambassadors, who will
discuss the current challenges in deploying UA ready technology locally the
best way forward. Don’t miss this opportunity to help build a more
inclusive and multilingual Internet!

Driving Local Change for UA Adoption Globally
| 13:15 MYT (05:15 UTC)
APAC Space
APAC Space is a session where the Asia Pacific (APAC) community can raise
issues, share views, and coordinate activities. This will be the first
opportunity for community members from the APAC region to meet face-to-face
since ICANN66 in Montréal.

APAC Space
| 16:30 MYT (08:30 UTC)
Joint Session: ccNSO and GAC
During this joint session between the Country Code Names Supporting
Organization (ccNSO) and the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC), the
ccNSO DNS Abuse Standing Committee (DASC) and two ccNSO policy development
process (ccPDP) working groups will provide updates on their progress.

The DASC was created as a dedicated forum for ccTLD managers to discuss DNS
abuse and to share information, insights, and practices.

The goal of the ccPDP3-RM working group is to recommend a policy for a
review mechanism with respect to decisions pertaining to the delegation,
transfer, revocation and retirement of the delegated country code top-level
domains (ccTLDs) assigned to countries and territories listed in the ISO
The ccPDP4 working group aims to define the criteria, process, and
procedure for (de)selecting Internationalized Domain Name ccTLDS.

Joint Session: ccNSO and GAC
| 13:15 MYT (8:30 UTC)
At-Large APRALO Meeting
The Asian, Australasian, and Pacific Islands Regional At-Large Organization
(APRALO) welcomes all At-Large members, the ICANN community, ICANN75
fellows and NextGen participants, and university students to its outreach
session. The first part of this session will cover APRALO operational
issues, while the second part will be an opportunity for all participants
to interact on topics of interest to the region.

At-Large APRALO Meeting
| 13:15 MYT (05:15 UTC)
Evolving the Governance of the Root Server System
The ICANN Board convened the Root Server System (RSS) Governance Working
Group (GWG) to develop a final model of RSS governance and root server
operator (RSO) accountability based on RSSAC037. To inform the development
of the final model, the Root Server System Advisory Committee published
success criteria for RSS governance. Since ICANN74, the GWG has discussed
three fundamental topics: defining capture of the RSS, determining if a
requirement exists for portability of RSS governance, and identifying RSO
yields and RSS gains. The GWG expects to finish these discussions during
ICANN75 and determine what model of RSS governance best meets the success

RSS Governance Working Group Meeting
| 15:00 MYT (07:00 UTC)
ICANN75 in Photos: The Malaysian Drum Symphony performs at the ICANN75
Welcome Ceremony on Monday, 19 September 2022.
[image: ICANN75 Welcome Ceremony]
GNSO Registration Data Accuracy Scoping Team
This session took place on Saturday, 17 September. If you missed it or want
to review, visit the schedule page
for the available session materials and recording.


The Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) Council created a
Registration Data Accuracy Scoping Team, which has been tasked to consider
a number of accuracy-related issues, such as current enforcement and
reporting, accuracy measurement, and effectiveness. These considerations
are expected to help inform the scoping team's deliberations and the
development of recommendations to the GNSO Council on whether any changes
are needed to improve generic top-level domain registration data accuracy,
and if so, how and by whom these changes should be developed. (For example,
if changes to existing contractual requirements are recommended, a PDP or
contractual negotiations may be necessary to effect a change.) Most
recently, the Scoping Team provided the GNSO Council with its write-up
for assignments No. 1 (current enforcement and reporting) and No. 2
(measurement of accuracy).

Session Overview

During this session, the Scoping Team provided attendees with an overview
of the write-up and its recommendations. In addition, the team started
informal deliberations on the details of a Registrar Survey that is
intended to allow registrars to report on the status of the accuracy of
domains under management. The results of this survey are expected to help
inform the Scoping Team's work on assignments No. 3 (effectiveness) and No.
4 (impact and improvements).
[image: COVID-19 Protocols]
[image: Lanyard Code]
Update on Work Stream 2 Implementation
[image: WS2]
By Giovanni Seppia, VP, Implementation Operations

Work Stream 2 (WS2) implementation
continues to be a priority for the ICANN organization (org) in Fiscal Year

Work continues on the 95 accountability and transparency-related
recommendations directed at ICANN org, the Board, and the community. The
ICANN org continues to support community groups' implementation work, as
appropriate, and discussions of the WS2 Community Coordination Group (WS2
CCG), as it coordinates work on a set of recommendations that warrant a
uniform community-wide approach.

At the end of the second calendar quarter of 2022, 15 recommendations
directed at ICANN org were complete (up from 13 in Q1 2022), while
implementation was in progress for 42 (up from 39 in Q1 2022).

Read my blog
for more WS2 implementation highlights from Q2 2022.
Public Comment: Registration Data Policy Implementation Plan
[image: Provide Your Feedback]
ICANN org has opened a Public Comment proceeding
on a proposed Registration Data Policy implementation plan. This plan is
the result of three years of work and collaboration, including between
ICANN org's Policy Implementation Project Team and the community's
Implementation Review Team. The implementation plan includes a draft policy
and proposed updates to 20 existing consensus policies and procedures
affected by the community's recommendations concerning generic top-level
domain registration data. Read this blog
for more information on the plan.

If you would like to engage further on this topic, please join this Generic
Names Supporting Organization session
at ICANN75 tomorrow at 09:00 MYT (01:00 UTC).
[image: Participation Guides]
Check out the Participant Tools page
for the information you need to attend ICANN75 virtually or in person.
[image: Policy Outlook Report]
[image: GNSO Policy Briefing]
Join the ICANN75 LAC Space Session Today!
[image: LAC Space]
Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) Space is a recurring session where
stakeholders from the region can discuss relevant topics and strengthen the
regional participation in ICANN processes. This session has become a
signature activity for the LAC community at ICANN meetings. The first LAC
Space was held during ICANN48 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

For the ICANN75 session, the LAC Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE) team
put out an open call for topic suggestions from the community to build the
agenda collaboratively.

Register now
for the LAC Space session at ICANN75, taking place today at 10:30 MYT
(02:30 UTC). Spanish and Portuguese interpretation services will be
[image: María Gabriela Mattausch]
María Gabriela Mattausch
María Gabriela Mattausch has been a Governmental Advisory Committee
representative for over a year. As an Argentine diplomat, she served in
Brazil and Egypt, and she is currently based in Buenos Aires.

Long interested in issues of information and communications technology
(ICT) and development, and ways to connect the two, Mattausch is part of
several technical multilateral organizations. This includes the
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the Economic
Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, and the Community of Latin
American and Caribbean States.

She considers the key to increasing ICANN community stakeholder
participation in developing countries to be bridging the digital gap while
respecting human rights.

Mattausch holds a degree in political science from Argentina, a master’s
degree in development management from the Institute of Development Research
and Development Policy in Germany, and a certificate in comparative
governance and public administration from the University of the Western
Cape in South Africa.
[image: Nabeel Yasin Amin]
“The ICANN Fellowship is a great opportunity to meet a lot of nice and
wonderful people from different parts of the world who are united by their
goal and ambition to ensure a stable, secure, and unified global Internet.
The ICANN fellowship program is an inspiring, life-changing, and
eye-opening experience.”
Nabeel Yasin Amin
Nabeel Yasin Amin is an ICT professional with more than 10 years experience
as a team leader at TeleYemen, Yemen’s main Internet gateway. He holds a
bachelor’s degree in computer science, is CompTIA certified A+, and is a
certified Microsoft trainer and systems engineer. Amin is currently
establishing his own not-for-profit training and consulting center, which
will focus on ICT, Internet governance, and digital literacy, with an aim
of reducing the digital divide and empowering his community with digital

Having attended the virtual ICANN73, he is excited to be able to attend
ICANN75 in person as an ICANN fellow and has applied to join the Asian,
Australasian, and Pacific Islands Regional At-Large Organization and the
Generic Names Supporting Organization’s Noncommercial Stakeholder Group.

Amin’s goal is to raise awareness about ICANN and its role in the Internet
ecosystem in his community, country, and the Arab region. He plans to
achieve this through conducting training, awareness, and capacity-building
sessions and workshops about ICANN and Internet governance.
[image: Romia Lasmin]
“I hope to meet other researchers and collaborate with them in the future.”
Romia Lasmin Nafisa
Romia Lasmin Nafisa currently works as a database administrator at
Bangladesh’s Prime Bank and is pursuing a master’s degree in data science
at Jahangirnagar University. Based on her professional experience and
academic studies, she is convinced that Internet data security is the most
important topic for any computer science engineer. Consequently, she is
deeply interested in improving Internet security.

Nafisa first heard about the NextGen at ICANN program from a former ICANN
fellow at an international conference in 2019 in Thailand. Since then, she
has connected with ICANN fellows in Bangladesh and decided to apply for the
program. ICANN75 is her first ICANN meeting.
[image: Standards of Behavior]
[image: Anti-Harassment Policy]
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