[Npoc-discuss] Welcoming our New NPOC Members

Caleb Olumuyiwa Ogundele muyiwacaleb at gmail.com
Wed Sep 21 20:32:26 UTC 2022

Dear NPOC Members,

On behalf of the NPOC Executive Committee, Please join me in welcoming our
new members below.

   - *India Internet Foundation.* (representative to be defined)
   - *AGORA Debate Association*-. Ioana Stupariu
   - *Society for the Advancement of Science in Africa*-Sam Lanfranco
   - *Caucasian Journal*-  -Kaffka Alexander
   - *Africa Rapporteur Network*- -Taiwo Peter Akinremi
   - *The IO Foundation*- -Jean F. Queralt
   - *Paradigm Initiative*- . Adeboye Adegoke
   - *The Dear Governments Organization*-. Emmanuel Ogu

As you are aware, Non-for-Profit Operational Concerns Constituency (NPOC),
is the home for not-for-profits which have a domain name and want to
participate in the making of policy that influences the current internet

As the Membership Committee Chair, I am happy to provide any necessary help
for our new and old members to become fully engaged within our Constituency
and our Stakeholder Group to facilitate the onboarding process into our
community - and you will find many members willing to do the same!

To better understand how to do that, you need to first understand ICANN´s
complex structure. As you already know from the application process, NPOC is
part of the Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group (NCSG), which means that we
represent the non-commercial interests of the internet community.
Specifically, those of non-for-profits.

We believe that non-for-profits have to play a central role in creating,
discussing, and reviewing top-level domain names policy and so have
outlined some key steps you can take to familiarize yourself with the
process and get involved:

1. Understand what a domain name is: Learn more about the domain name
system (DNS) and the problems, challenges, and opportunities they bring to
the operation of organizations like yours. (Suggestion: read the Beginners

2. Read the NPOC toolkit: Learn more about NPOC’s work within ICANN, the
NPOC structure, current working groups, the role of the NPOC Executive
Committee (ExCom), including a glossary of acronyms, which we know can be
very tricky! (Suggestion: read NPOC Beginners Guide

3. Learn about the policy-making process: Understand how to help create and
review policy, via the online working groups, public comments and open
discussions; or at the ICANN Meetings that take place three times every
year (Suggestion: Watch Policy Development Process Video

4. Get to know the other non-for-profits members of NPOC: You never know
what opportunities for collaboration and conversation exist. (See our
Members <https://npoc.org/our-membership/>)

5. Understand the ICANN complex structure: start by checking the organizational
structure <https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/chart-2012-02-11-en> for
more information about the ICANN hierarchy, then go through ICANN
free-of-charge certified courses, available on ICANN Learn

We also encourage you to follow our activity online:


   NPOC website: www.npoc.org

   NPOC DISCUSS list: https://mm.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/npoc-discuss

   NPOC Twitter: @NPOC_ICANN - Follow us and stay tuned!

   NPOC Wiki: https://community.icann.org/x/txAQAg

Besides this, here are a list of other resources which may be useful:


   ICANN acronyms:

   How to get involved:

   List of working groups and their members:


   Policy comments and statements:


   A one-stop page about ICANN's policy efforts:


   To catch up with ongoing discussion see the mailing list archive:

I know that this can be overwhelming, so allow me to invite you to a short
introductory discussion or our next membership meeting when the call is
announced, where you can ask all your questions and discuss how you can get

If you have any questions, comments, concern,s or feedback please don’t
hesitate to contact me directly, we will gladly help you!

Let’s start working together!

Best wishes,

Caleb Ogundele

Membership Committee Chair

on behalf of the Executive Committee Team

NB: New Members are in BCC Mode until they are added to the  mailing list.

*Caleb Ogundele*
Email: muyiwacaleb at gmail.com
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