[Npoc-discuss] Candidate statements and SOI

Bikram Shrestha bikram.shrestha at idea.com.np
Tue May 9 18:36:04 UTC 2023

Dear NPOC Members,
Namaste from Nepal!

I am thrilled to accept my candidacy for the position of Vice Chair within NPOC ICANN, representing the vibrant Asia Pacific Region. As the President of the Nepal Internet Foundation and a dedicated advocate for non-commercial stakeholders, I bring a wealth of experience and a deep commitment to advancing the interests of diverse community within ICANN.

•Name: Bikram Shrestha
•Affiliation: President- Nepal Internet Foundation - Civil Society, Professional- Head Digital Banking- Sanima Bank,
•Position applied for: Vice Chair
•Why you are running for the position: I am the founding treasurer and past President of the Internet Society Nepal, the Founding President of the Nepal Internet Foundation, the Vice-Chair of the Nepal IGF and the Founding Treasurer of the IT Security Emergency Response Team in Nepal. I am also the Co-Chair of the Cooperation SIG APNIC. I am delighted to share that APrIGF 2021 and APAN 2023 took place in Kathmandu without a hitch with active hosting/supporting organisation. I have been actively contributing to the Internet community for more than 20+ years. I have been helping Nepal's ICT industry develop through a variety of policy advocating and capacity-building programs. I coordinated for both successful initiatives: the first npSIG and the Nepal IGF. I was also an APRICOT 2018 host organizer team.

I am the first representative of my nation to join ICANN as of the ICANN 45 Toronto Meeting. I was encouraged to join NPOC and look for opportunities to provide good for the constituency, noncommercial benefits from my participation in more 10 ICANN meetings as a fellow, alumni, mentor and coach involvement in various activities such as IPv6, security/DNSSEC, privacy, intellectual property, and enforcement, advocating for public interests in IDN-related policies, UA-tech, and focused on global IGF, IANA, policy activities, law enforcement, and Internet policies such as WHOIS and new gTLDs.

I have actively engaged with non-commercial organizations, Internet users, and policymakers in region. I have witnessed firsthand the unique challenges and opportunities faced by non-commercial stakeholders in the Asia Pacific. If elected as Vice Chair, I will leverage my experience to drive meaningful change and ensure our voices are heard.

My key priorities as Vice Chair will include:
	• Regional Collaboration: I have a strong belief in the effectiveness of teamwork and collective effort. I will promote effective collaboration and strong partnerships among non-commercial stakeholders in the Asia Pacific region, allowing us to tackle common problems and advocate for laws that take into consideration the particular requirements of our region.
	• Policy Advocacy: I am passionate about influencing public policies in Asia Pacific that impact non-commercial stakeholders and civil society. I will take a proactive role in ICANN's policy-making processes, advocating about regulations that support an accessible, open, and inclusive Internet ecosystem. I will work closely with our community to understand our diverse needs and ensure they are adequately represented within ICANN. 
	• Capacity Building and Engagement: Empowering non-commercial stakeholders and Civil Society in the Asia Pacific region is essential for meaningful participation in ICANN processes. I will prioritize capacity-building initiatives, such as training programs, workshops, and mentorship opportunities, to enhance our community's knowledge and skills. Additionally, I will encourage active engagement, particularly from underrepresented groups, to foster diversity and inclusivity within our community.
	• Strengthening NPOC: As Vice Chair, I will work towards strengthening NPOC as a leading voice for non-commercial stakeholders globally. I will foster transparency, accountability, and effective communication within our constituency, ensuring that all members have equal opportunities to contribute, shape policies, and actively participate in ICANN's activities.

With my proven leadership, dedication to non-commercial stakeholders and Civil Society, and a deep understanding of the Asia Pacific region within ICANN, I am confident in my ability to effectively serve as Vice Chair within NPOC. I humbly request your support and vote to drive positive change and advocate for the interests of non-commercial stakeholders in the Asia Pacific.

•Do you have any conflict(s) of interest: Unfortunately, I have no conflicts of interest.

•How many hours per week you are able to dedicate to the position: I am prepared to contribute as needed and will be available off-hours as well.

•Are you involved in any working Groups or PDP efforts, if so please state: UA- Tech Working Group (WG) members and other working groups too.

Step 3: Statement of Interest (SOI)
All nominees are expected to submit a brief statement explaining why they believe they are a suitable candidate and also must complete or update their Statement of Interest.

Dear NPOC colleagues,
I am writing to express my keen interest in serving as the Vice Chair of NPOC, representing the Asia Pacific Region. I have been actively involved in Internet governance initiatives, policy discussions, and community engagement activities within our region. It is with great enthusiasm and commitment that I present my Statement of Interest (SOI) for this esteemed position.

As Vice Chair, I aim to contribute to the collective efforts of NPOC  and further the interests of non-commercial stakeholders in the Asia Pacific. My SOI outlines the following key areas of focus:
	• Regional Representation: I will be a strong advocate for the diverse voices and interests of non-commercial stakeholders in the Asia Pacific Region. I will actively engage with our community, encouraging active participation, and ensuring their concerns and perspectives are effectively represented within ICANN's decision-making processes.
	• Policy Advocacy: I am deeply passionate about influencing Internet governance policies that align with the needs and aspirations of non-commercial stakeholders and Civil Society in our region
I have been serving as the Nepal Internet Foundation's president for the past 3.5 years. I have been proposed as the NPOC Vice Chair for the upcoming years. I can use my expertise, my local and international network, and my passion to assist NPOC accomplish its goals and objectives.

If elected, I will contribute a unique Asian-Pacific perspective that will broaden the NPOC's diversity on all fronts and from a regional perspective. I additionally try my utmost to spread awareness of the difficulties faced by APAC's billions of Internet users. Issues with the Internet are widespread, but they could have a greater impact in undeveloped and developing countries.

My experience will be of assistance in assisting NPOC in closely cooperating with dynamic teams and other working groups. My experience working with a variety of stakeholders, such as the commercial sector, government, civil society, international organizations, and academia, will be a valuable asset in enhancing the visibility of NPOC. My technical knowledge, in my opinion, will make a good addition for comprehending the Internet's difficulties from a comprehensive perspective.

The challenges in terms of security and privacy for the Internet's present and future are crucial. The biggest challenges facing underdeveloped and developing economies are how to make these concerns treated as a higher priority in the policy agenda, despite the fact that various technical solutions may be produced.

In order to provide tools for formulating policies for an open and reliable Internet, NPOC will coordinate efforts with its members to establish itself as a reliable information source for policymakers.

In addition, I look forward to responding to any questions you may have on my candidacy for NPOC Vice Chair.

Thank you and best wish for all candidates. 

Bikram Shrestha
Nepal Internet Foundation
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