[Npoc-discuss] Candidate Statement for Policy Coordinator

Jean F. Quéralt JFQueralt at theiofoundation.org
Fri May 24 10:29:55 UTC 2024

*Name:* Jean F. Queralt

•*Affiliation:* Founder & CEO, The IO Foundation

•*Position applied for:* NPOC Policy Coordinator

•*Why you are running for the position?:*

As part of my daily obligations, staying on top of policy status in ICANN
is becoming a necessity. This would make it a very natural process to me to
update NPOC and engage members to participate in ongoing work.

I terms of plans, I hope to develop procedures and tools (as an extension
of the work that has been done as Comms Chair) to facilitate NPOC members'
participation and engagement.


- I will implement a follow-up and voting platform for members to express
their concerns and vote in topics they will want to prioritize.

(Work in progress from Comms Chair)

- I will use the tools that I am currently putting together for faster and
more effective analysis of policy processes and all the overwhelming amount
of information they generate >> In essence, I am building an LLM to process
all this information and help us navigate it all.

- I will work with the OEC to post regular updates and use the setup put in
place in my capacity of Comms Chair for posts in SocMed (already advanced).

- If NPOC Chair agrees, I will propose

# a parallel NPOC Policy monthly call.

# strengthening collaborations with other constituencies, especially

- I will continue the work done as Comms Chair with

# getting the website renewed (hopefully finished before Istanbul)

# getting the blog running so members can update

- Finally, I will seek to establish:

# a stable NPOC Policy group composed by our members

# a procedure for handover for Policy Coordinators so that new elected
members can take over more easily

# 1 or 2 NPOC members to shadow me so that the work load can be distributed
and learning curve eased.

I have other ideas although that's a lot of work as it is already.

There is plenty of work to be done and I am certain this is doable with the
help and support of our members.

*Qualifications for the position:*

I believe that I have the necessary qualities and capacities to bring the
position's responsibilities to good term.

I have been involved with ICANN since ICANN75, currently holding the
position of Comms Chair @ NPOC.

My daily work at my NGO, The IO Foundation, revolves around monitoring the
governance and outputs of a number of SDOs (ITU, ICANN, IETF) and engaging
in their processes.

While the results from my current position are not very visible from the
outside, lots of work have been extensive. By the end of the tenure we will
have a fully revamped Comms toolkit. You can see raw notes I've been taking
on tasks here:

Personally, I would not have accepted to be a Policy Coordinator if I
didn't think I had the capacity, time and willingness to do so. I hope we
can better engage our community with though the upcoming elected Outreach
and Engagement Coordinator (OEC).

   - *Do you have any conflict(s) of interest?:* None that I am aware of.
   Not running for any other position at ICANN.
   SOI: You can also find my up-to-date SOI below
   - •*How many hours per week you are able to dedicate to the position:* I
   do not have a specific number of hours to dedicate as the position would be
   a natural extension of what I do daily.
   - *Are you involved in any working Groups or PDP efforts, if so please
   state:* Slowly attempting to get involved with RSSAC in supporting
   tasks, overlooked some of the IDN work, supporting the CCWP-HR and getting
   interested in PPSAI IRT.

Thanks everyone.

Jean F. Queralt
Founder & CEO - The IO Foundation <http://www.TheIOFoundation.org>
Book a meeting <http://TIOF.Click/BookJFQ> (30 minutes)

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