[RDS-WHOIS2-LawEnforcement] INFO? - Briefing from OCTO

Alice Jansen alice.jansen at icann.org
Wed Feb 28 11:08:09 UTC 2018

Dear Law Enforcement Needs subgroup members,

Regarding your request for a briefing from OCTO on interaction with LEA and perhaps DAR would be helpful as input, we are in the process of determining when a discussion could be scheduled.
Please provide a detailed overview of the information you would like to receive from presenters at soon as possible, preferably by Friday, COB, so the ask can be relayed to the subject matter experts accordingly.
Thank so much

Best regards


From: RDS-WHOIS2-LawEnforcement <rds-whois2-lawenforcement-bounces at icann.org> on behalf of Jean-Baptiste Deroulez <jean-baptiste.deroulez at icann.org>
Date: Friday 23 February 2018 at 18:07
To: "rds-whois2-lawenforcement at icann.org" <rds-whois2-lawenforcement at icann.org>
Subject: [RDS-WHOIS2-LawEnforcement] Law Enforcement Needs Subgroup Call | 23 February | Action items

Dear Law Enforcement Needs subgroup members,

Following your subgroup call #1[community.icann.org]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__community.icann.org_display_WHO_Meeting-2B-2525231-2B-2D-2BLaw-2BEnforcement-2BNeeds&d=DwMGaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=hgoi2V8bykqXjZC9kZZRTDSEJ4lQIyKh6k8Q-TUv6Ks&m=NlRtOzbLjUhrkK28vRLVd4v9jmHRVSP3Dj9ydYHzjAM&s=nII29ONUSteRhCT-fd9IvFp8wjBb8VvwPmokgC1JYYQ&e=> today, please find below the identified decisions reached and actions items:

Has your subgroup identified any needed briefings/resources? How will the subgroup conduct its investigation?

  *   Outreach to LEA contacts to solicit input on needs
  *   Possible examples - GAC PSWG, APWG, SSAC members (John Levine)
  *   Need to structure outreach in a transparent and accessible way
  *   Start with informal outreach and then consider broader more formalized outreach
How will subgroup review identified documentation? N/A

  *   Thomas to reach out to Lili to see if she would like to join subgroup
  *   ICANN Org to consider whether a briefing from OCTO on interaction with LEA and perhaps DAR would be helpful as input
  *   ICANN Org to provide Thomas with first cut answer at next step question, for Thomas to refine and share with subgroup by mid-week
Kind regards,

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