[RDS-WHOIS2-REC4-Compliance] RDS-WHOIS2 Rec 4: Compliance Meeting #3 | 5 March

Jean-Baptiste Deroulez jean-baptiste.deroulez at icann.org
Mon Mar 5 18:37:26 UTC 2018

Dear Compliance subgroup members,

Following today’s subgroup call #3<https://community.icann.org/x/BCG8B>, please find below the decisions reached and identified action items:


Include in briefing questions:

  *   Of the 60% of legacy gTLDs that are grandfathered on the 2009 RAA, how many comply with the 2013 RAA anyway? Note this is a possible gap to be addressed by a recommendation for a policy issue to be addressed.
  *   Is there anything that would make compliance enforcement easier?


Subgroup members to review and attempt to answer questions prior to F2F meeting as follows:

  *   Erika to work on AWIP and CLDP
  *   Carlton to work on Procedures for Conflicts with Local Law and Transition of .COM, .NET, and JOBS to Thick WHOIS Policy
  *   Other policies needing a volunteer to review: Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy, UDRP/URS, ERRP, Translation/Transliteration

Questions to be addressed (at minimum):

  *   Status of each of the following policies? Created/implemented/being reviewed?
  *   What impact does WHOIS have on each of these policies?
  *   Are there issues with these policies?
  *   How is WHOIS used in these policies?
  *   Are these effective?
  *   Compliance issues

  *   Susan to include her findings about grandfathered domain names in draft subgroup report (see decisions, above)
  *   Susan to reach out to Thomas to identify policies (from above list) that he will volunteer to review
  *   Susan to suggest timeline for completing briefing questions and desired timeframe for that briefing with ICANN Org compliance

Kind regards,

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