[RDS-WHOIS2-RT-Leadership_Staff] Update on timing and final report.

Alan Greenberg alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca
Fri Nov 2 20:34:15 UTC 2018

May I please have an update from MSSI staff on this?


At 01/11/2018 12:34 PM, Alan Greenberg wrote:
>Both Catherine and Susan have supported this proposal. My 
>recollection is that Cathrin cannot accept ICANN funding, and Susan 
>is already funded (although she may need us to cover a few extra 
>days. I will need funding.
>Since this will have a cost in thousands of dollars (although below 
>the amount we put in the budget) I assume this needs staff approval. 
>Can we have this done as soon as possible to meet the 06 Nov 
>traveller submission date?
>At 30/10/2018 03:56 PM, Alan Greenberg wrote:
>>To: RDS-WHOIS2-Leadership <rds-whois2-rt-leadership_staff at icann.org>
>>From: Alan Greenberg <alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca>
>>Subject: Update on timing and final report.
>>As I think you know, Lisa Phifer will not be able to work with us 
>>to complete the report, and MSSI is looking at options for an 
>>editor. It will not be anyone with knowledge of the subject.
>>The draft report was too long and not cohesive, so I think it needs 
>>a careful overall review and revision. SInce the editor will not 
>>have a feel for the intent of the analysis and recommendations, it 
>>will fall on us to do a fair amount of the work. Given my lessened 
>>responsibilities with regard to At-Large, I am willing to do at 
>>least part of this, but we will need to adjust the timeline, both 
>>for the rework and to have team members sign off.
>>We meet 10-12 December which leaves just one week before the 
>>holiday season. That will not be enough time to complete the 
>>substantive edits and to clean up the overall report. So we will 
>>definitely go into January. My target is to issue the report no 
>>later than the end of the month.
>>If there is a 50 day public comment once submitted to the Board 
>>(which is what was done for the CCT Review), that puts the comment 
>>ending about a week after the end of the Kobe meeting.
>>I suggest that we plan for:
>>- An engagement session with the community; and
>>- An opportunity for the RT leadership (and possibly other team 
>>members if appropriate) to meeting with Board and/or ICANN Org to 
>>clarify or elaborate on any aspect of the report.
>>I have passed this by Chris and he supports it.
>>Cathrin and Susan, do you support this proposal?
>>The budget we used in stopping the public comment on short term 
>>actions included funding for a few people for the Kobe meeting and 
>>still came out using only $300k of the $690k allocated. I suggest 
>>that we look at funding up to three people for the meeting (people 
>>who authored key sections of the report and are not otherwise 
>>funded. (At this point I will likely need funding.)
>>Travel lists need to be submitted in about a week, so we will need 
>>to move fast if we proceed.

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