[RDS-WHOIS2-RT-Leadership_Staff] Interview

Alan Greenberg alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca
Sun Oct 21 21:40:59 UTC 2018

Thanks. See below.

At 21/10/2018 03:16 AM, Jean-Baptiste Deroulez wrote:
Hi Alan,

Thank you for your email. We had included suggested questions in the invitation, see below:

We’re planning on asking the following suggested questions (below). We’ve also included a suggested max time in which to answer each question. These are merely suggestions in an effort to keep the video under 3 minutes as people tend not to watch videos over this length. Having said that, ultimately the video will be as long as you need to address the following questions:

·                     What is the overall focus of the RDS-WHOIS2 Review? (For those who are not intimately familiar with the RDS-WHOIS2 Review)- (10 sec).
·                     In which stage/process is the review right now? - (10 sec).
·                     What did the review focus on, and what are the key findings? - (60 sec).

I would drop the first half. It is redundant with the 1stt question and will allow more time for the answer to the 2nd part.

·                     What are the key draft recommendations that result from the RDS-WHOIS2 Review? – (90 sec).

Can you give us some examples of the key draft recommendations that result from this review. Or perhaps can you give us a few examples of the recommendation in your draft review.

One of Susan or I can handle 1, the other 2 and 3 and then back to the first person for 4.

Cathrin and Susan, comments on the questions and Susan, comments on speaker order.

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