[RDS-WHOIS2-RT] RDS/WHOIS2-RT Meeting Preferences for ICANN59

Walden, Thomas L. Thomas.L.Walden at usdoj.gov
Fri Jun 16 17:13:25 UTC 2017

A full face-to-face meeting is ultimately dictated by the overall attendance of Review Team members at the Johannesburg meeting. I feel that those who do attend should gave a quick  get together/ introduction meeting. A few times should be presented for us to review before we ultimately decide.

Thomas L Walden, Jr.
Section Chief
U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
Office of Investigative Technology

On Jun 15, 2017, at 4:40 PM, Karen Mulberry <karen.mulberry at icann.org<mailto:karen.mulberry at icann.org>> wrote:

Dear RDS/WHOIS2-RT Member,

During discussion on today’s RDS/WHOIS2-RT call there was an exchange on the need and value of holding the first review team face-to-face meeting on June 24th and 25th prior to ICANN59 in Johannesburg as many of the Review Team members in attendance had conflicts and would not be able to participate.

As a result of this discussion and due to the absence of several Review Team members, the group decided to ask each RDS/WHOIS2-RT member to indicate their preference for holding the first review team face-to-face meeting in Johannesburg.  Once preferences have been submitted, the results will be circulated to the review team so their plans can be finalized for ICANN59 participation.

Please respond to this message with your preference to holding the Johannesburg face-to-face meeting:

Yes, the face-to-face meeting should be held, or
No, the face-to-face meeting should be canceled

Please provide your preference to holding a RT meeting no later than 2200 UTC, 16 June 2016

In addition, there was a suggestion that the review team members in Johannesburg meet for an informal team dinner.

Here is a Doodle Poll to determine a date for the informal get together: https://beta.doodle.com/poll/wsb2cmnpk65esa6g#table[beta.doodle.com]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__beta.doodle.com_poll_wsb2cmnpk65esa6g-23table&d=DwMGaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=gGsdOe7MBOionpebtrt_25UdWjB08ei62MZBx1B_50s&m=4EPSD1jvTnTk608pdOY7sywduwzXAjRcj7IIeoPTjUg&s=45YESPOVHD-STOQLY_rx0FGkMxjtS_o1jxJLwgfRSJQ&e=>

We will use the responses submitted to confirm the date and details will then be shared as to the location and time for this dinner.


Karen Mulberry
Director, Multistakeholder Strategy and Strategic Initiatives (MSSI)
12025 Waterfront Dr., Suite 300
Los Angeles, CA 90094
Phone: +1 424 353 9745

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