[Register-URI] urn:lex registration

Independent Submissions Editor (Eliot Lear) rfc-ise at rfc-editor.org
Fri Feb 2 10:03:38 UTC 2024


IANA/Murray, are you good with my approval and the authors' approval on 


On 02.02.2024 10:58, ENRICO FRANCESCONI wrote:
> Dear Eliot, Peter, Murray,
>    we have received the following notification
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/conflict-review-spinosa-urn-lex/
> which seems good news to us!
> On our side, we made progress about the availability of the 
> lex-nameserver responsible for the resolution of the "lex" namespace. 
> Our colleagues of the IIT-CNR (Institute of Informatics and Telematics 
> of the CNR, https://www.iit.cnr.it/en/) is going to make available 
> such service with requirements of continuity and security. Please 
> consider that IIT-CNR is responsible for the management of the domain 
> names under .it and .eu
> On the other hand, IGSG-CNR (Institute of Legal Informatics and 
> Judicial Systems of the CNR, https://www.igsg.cnr.it/en ) will be 
> responsible for the administrative part. A memorandum of understanding 
> between IGSG and IIT will be prepared, pointing out the levels of 
> governance.
> We will keep you posted about any progress, in the meantime please let 
> us know if we have to do anything else.
> In particular, shall we do anything in preparation of the telechat on 
> February 15th? If I well understood this is not a chat we have to take 
> part of.
> Thanks!
> Best
>  Pierluigi and Enrico
> ---
> Enrico Francesconi
> Research Director
> IGSG - CNR    [ex ITTIG - CNR]
> Institute of Legal Informatics and Judicial Systems
> National Research Council of Italy
> Via de' Barucci 20
> 50127 Florence
> Italy
> Tel: +39-055-4399-665
> Fax: +39-055-4399-605
> email: enrico.francesconi at igsg.cnr.it
>            enrico.francesconi at cnr.it
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