[Register-URI] Adding a NAPTR record to the uri.arpa domain

ENRICO FRANCESCONI enrico.francesconi at cnr.it
Fri Jan 5 21:09:40 UTC 2024

Dear Colleagues,
   we are writing to take the following action before completing the registration for draft-spinosa-urn-lex-21 (https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-spinosa-urn-lex/).
According to RFC 3405, we kindly ask you to add a NAPTR record related to the "lex" namespace to the uri.arpa domain.

Thanks a lot for your collaboration
best regards
  Pierluigi Spinosa
  Enrico Francesconi

Enrico Francesconi
Research Director
IGSG - CNR    [ex ITTIG - CNR]
Institute of Legal Informatics and Judicial Systems
National Research Council of Italy

Via de' Barucci 20
50127 Florence

email: enrico.francesconi at cnr.it
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