[rssac-caucus] Best Practices for the Distribution of Anycast Instances of the Root Name Service WP Conclusion

Fred Baker fred at isc.org
Tue Feb 6 01:13:21 UTC 2018

> On Feb 5, 2018, at 1:59 PM, Wessels, Duane via rssac-caucus <rssac-caucus at icann.org> wrote:
> Table 1: Rows in this table should be either Letters+Orgs or just Orgs.  I suggest removing "(A/J root)" from the Verisign row.

I would agree. Specifically, the RSSAC is trying to move away from letters, which are there primarily to facilitate compression of the priming message. We are trying to change to identifying organizations (which you may imagine takes some reminding-of-ourselves to make happen) and away from letters. At least in part, that is to making it (at least conceptually) simpler to add an identity.

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