[tz] Irish Standard Time vs Irish Summer Time

Ian Abbott abbotti at mev.co.uk
Fri Dec 8 11:52:15 UTC 2017

On 08/12/17 06:38, Paul Eggert wrote:
> On 12/05/2017 02:16 AM, Derick Rethans wrote:
>> No, I meant "Irish Standard Time". Ireland is "odd" because their
>> standard time is what the rest of the British Isles calls "Summer Time"
>> (BST). So Ireland uses "Irish Standard Time" and "GMT".
> Thanks for pointing this out; I was unaware that Ireland observes 
> negative daylight-saving time in winter, instead of positive 
> daylight-saving time in summer. This arguably is clearer than the common 
> practice in North America and Europe, where "standard time" is observed 
> only in a relatively small fraction of the year. I installed the 
> attached proposed patch to fix the commentary along the lines that you 
> suggested, and to change tm_isdst as well. UT offsets and abbreviations 
> are unaffected by this change.

I'm not sure that switching from positive daylight savings in summer to 
negative daylight savings in winter is a terribly good idea, as it will 
probably result in various software headaches.

-=( Ian Abbott @ MEV Ltd.    E-mail: <abbotti at mev.co.uk> )=-
-=(                          Web: http://www.mev.co.uk/  )=-

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