[tz] Timezone error (Kyiv not Kiev)

Petro Ord petro.ordyn at gmail.com
Mon Jul 11 23:38:47 UTC 2022

> No. It was updated because information on the ground indicates that the local time had changed.
Time in the Crimea was changed solely in support of the russian
invasion (and in a few days).
Name Kyiv has not been corrected also to show support of the terrorist
country (this error persists in the tzdb since 1991).

Nowhere in the "theory and pragmatics of the tz code and data" it is
explained or clarified why Kyiv was chosen over Kiev.
“Mainstream English spelling” does not have any hidden meanings, it
says "spelling" not "usage", "popularity" or else, it says "spelling".

ср, 6 июл. 2022 г. в 01:03, Derick Rethans <tz at derickrethans.nl>:
> On 5 July 2022 22:50:01 BST, Petro Ord via tz <tz at iana.org> wrote:
> >> “Mainstream English spelling” refers to how a word is typically spelled in English-language contexts.
> >It does not say so, it is your interpretation.
> >
> >> It is neither of those, and you are far out of line for making these baseless accusations about my intent or that of anyone else on this list.
> >You may think differently or have other intent, but it does not change
> >the fact that prompt updated in Crimea in 2014 and persistent
> >KyivNotKiev error are done for political reason in favor of terrorist
> >country - russia
> No. It was updated because information on the ground indicates that the local time had changed.
> Reading anything else into this is incorrect.
> Now please shut up and wait until a next release of tzdata is made.
> cheers
> Derick

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