[tz] Kazakhstan to shift from UTC+6 to UTC+5

Andrey.Kazakevich at erg.kz Andrey.Kazakevich at erg.kz
Thu Jan 25 03:51:56 UTC 2024

Sorry, guys, another question – most of devices in our corporate environment are using (Astana +06:00) timezone in Microsoft Windows OS (Win10/11, Win Server 2019/2022).
Have you some information how are they changing their list of timezones? What is process in their global list…
Found some article (https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/windows-it-pro-blog/how-windows-manages-time-zone-changes/ba-p/3852632) but they declare 8 weeks change duration there…

С/у Andrey Kazakevich

From: Andrey Kazakevich
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2024 9:38 AM
To: 'Tim Parenti' <tim at timtimeonline.com>; Dauren Sarsenov <daur88 at gmail.com>
Cc: tz at iana.org; Alexey Sharkov (KZ) <e-Alexey.Sharkov at homecredit.kz>
Subject: RE: [tz] Kazakhstan to shift from UTC+6 to UTC+5

Hi, everyone!
Thanks for quick reply and such detail information!
Will wait required for us change…
Thanks again!

С/у Andrey Kazakevich

From: Tim Parenti <tim at timtimeonline.com>
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2024 1:20 AM
To: Dauren Sarsenov <daur88 at gmail.com>
Cc: tz at iana.org; Alexey Sharkov (KZ) <e-Alexey.Sharkov at homecredit.kz>; Andrey Kazakevich <Andrey.Kazakevich at erg.kz>
Subject: Re: [tz] Kazakhstan to shift from UTC+6 to UTC+5

ВНИМАНИЕ: Данное письмо направлено извне ERG. Не открывайте ссылки и вложения, если вы не знаете отправителя и не уверены в безопасности содержимого.

(Combining replies to a few similar messages.)

On Wed, 24 Jan 2024 at 13:08, Dauren Sarsenov via tz <tz at iana.org<mailto:tz at iana.org>> wrote:
There is an upcoming timezone change I want to inform you about. In Kazakhstan we are moving away from UTC+6 to UTC+5 across all areas of the country.
The change is effective at 00:00 1 march 2024.

Thanks; we were made aware of this change for Kazakhstan on 19 January.  See:

On Wed, 24 Jan 2024 at 13:07, Alexey Sharkov (KZ) via tz <tz at iana.org<mailto:tz at iana.org>> wrote:
 3-1. Акиматам городов Астаны, Алматы, Шымкента, Акмолинской, Алматинской, Жамбылской, Карагандинской, Костанайской, Павлодарской, Северо-Казахстанской, Туркестанской, Восточно-Казахстанской областей и областей Абай, Жетісу, Ұлытау в ночь с 29 февраля 2024 года на 1 марта 2024 года (в 00:00 часов) перевести местное время на 1 час назад.".

For all Kazakhstan zones set local time back 1 hour night of February 29, 2024 to March 1, 2024 (at 00:00 hours)
Zone      Asia/Almaty
Zone      Asia/Qyzylorda
Zone      Asia/Qostanay
Zone      Asia/Aqtobe
Zone      Asia/Aqtau
Zone      Asia/Atyrau
Zone      Asia/Oral

Our understanding is that this change only affects the eastern portions of the country represented by Asia/Almaty and Asia/Qostanay, and not the other zones as those areas already observe UTC+5 so will not be changing their clocks.  This appears to be reflected in the locations listed in the quoted legal text.

On Wed, 24 Jan 2024 at 13:08, Andrey.Kazakevich--- via tz <tz at iana.org<mailto:tz at iana.org>> wrote:
How I can know when this change will be released?

You may want to consider subscribing to the low-traffic tz-announce mailing list at
which announces new tzdb releases as they come out.

There is no set schedule for a new release, as this is a volunteer project; however, we are obviously now aware that one is needed ahead of 1 March.  So you can plan for a new release reasonably soon, once we've allowed folks some time to test and comment on the pending changes.

Have you some tracking or history of changes in database?

The main development copy of the database is kept on Github at
where you can find the upcoming change for Kazakhstan already in place:

Tim Parenti
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