[tz] manual pages in tzdb

Alejandro Colomar alx at kernel.org
Wed May 8 16:24:40 UTC 2024

Hi Paul,

I had in mind something: I would like to cherry-pick all tzdb's commits
that affect manual pages into the Linux man-pages git repository,
instead of just pasting here snapshots of your manual pages.

For that to work, we'd need to agree on a path inside the repository (or
I could manually --or with a script-- edit each commit, which would be
combersome, and I'd rather avoid).

What do you think of moving the pages in the tzdb repository into
man/man*/ directories?  I see your repository is perfectly flat, so I
don't know if there are strong reasons for that, or if it's just

To be explicit, this is what I'd do in tzdb.git:

	diff --git a/date.1 b/man/man1/date.1
	similarity index 100%
	rename from date.1
	rename to man/man1/date.1
	diff --git a/newctime.3 b/man/man3/newctime.3
	similarity index 100%
	rename from newctime.3
	rename to man/man3/newctime.3
	diff --git a/newstrftime.3 b/man/man3/newstrftime.3
	similarity index 100%
	rename from newstrftime.3
	rename to man/man3/newstrftime.3
	diff --git a/newtzset.3 b/man/man3/newtzset.3
	similarity index 100%
	rename from newtzset.3
	rename to man/man3/newtzset.3
	diff --git a/time2posix.3 b/man/man3/time2posix.3
	similarity index 100%
	rename from time2posix.3
	rename to man/man3/time2posix.3
	diff --git a/tzfile.5 b/man/man5/tzfile.5
	similarity index 100%
	rename from tzfile.5
	rename to man/man5/tzfile.5
	diff --git a/tzselect.8 b/man/man8/tzselect.8
	similarity index 100%
	rename from tzselect.8
	rename to man/man8/tzselect.8
	diff --git a/zdump.8 b/man/man8/zdump.8
	similarity index 100%
	rename from zdump.8
	rename to man/man8/zdump.8
	diff --git a/zic.8 b/man/man8/zic.8
	similarity index 100%
	rename from zic.8
	rename to man/man8/zic.8

If we do that, then my idea would be to do

	$ git remote add tzdb git at github.com:eggert/tz.git

in my Linux man-pages local repo, and cherry-pick commits '-- man/' from
time to time.

Does that sound good to you?

Have a lovely day!

A client is hiring kernel driver, mm, and/or crypto developers;
contact me if interested.
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