[tz] Unicode CLDR supplemental/windowsZones.xml update? -Brooks Harris

Guy Harris gharris at sonic.net
Sun May 26 22:13:44 UTC 2024

On May 26, 2024, at 1:54 PM, Brooks Harris via tz <tz at iana.org> wrote:

> Duh. Yup. I didn't look carefully enough at the file from clrd-release-45.
> It did confuse me because is does have the same line:
> <mapTimezones otherVersion="7e11800" typeVersion="2021a">
> And it's the same length.
> But the changes are there.
> Seems like that line should update?

"Should be updated", more like it; it's not clear whether there's an automated process or if it's done manually.

The most likely cause is that, if that line should be updated, the author of commit 9d96f340ab145003b3e6d12d95ffb16f19a8a529:


failed, for some reason, to update it in that commit.

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