[tz] Unicode CLDR supplemental/windowsZones.xml update? -Brooks Harris

Brooks Harris brooks at edlmax.com
Sun May 26 22:45:49 UTC 2024

On 2024-05-26 06:13 PM, Guy Harris wrote:
> On May 26, 2024, at 1:54 PM, Brooks Harris via tz <tz at iana.org> wrote:
>> Duh. Yup. I didn't look carefully enough at the file from clrd-release-45.
>> It did confuse me because is does have the same line:
>> <mapTimezones otherVersion="7e11800" typeVersion="2021a">
>> And it's the same length.
>> But the changes are there.
>> Seems like that line should update?
> "Should be updated", more like it; it's not clear whether there's an automated process or if it's done manually.
> The most likely cause is that, if that line should be updated, the author of commit 9d96f340ab145003b3e6d12d95ffb16f19a8a529:
> 	https://github.com/unicode-org/cldr/commit/9d96f340ab145003b3e6d12d95ffb16f19a8a529
> failed, for some reason, to update it in that commit.
I have an old version, which I don't remember or didn't comment where it 
came from, where that line says:

<mapTimezones otherVersion="7e11500" typeVersion="2020a">

So I really expected the later versions to be similarly updated. Hence 
my stupid confusion.
My code tried to match that release line to the TzDb release, and 
failed, causing more side effects and confusion.

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