[UA-discuss] [UA-EAI] Regular Expression To Validate EAI Addresses

Martin J. Dürst duerst at it.aoyama.ac.jp
Sat Aug 15 07:11:25 UTC 2020

Hello Mark, others,

On 15/08/2020 01:08, Marc Blanchet wrote:

> The best way would be to modify the regex engine itself to embed the 
> IDNA protocol inside it and then define a new regex token for IDNA and 
> then we will be in business… Not an easy task.

I'm not sure I agree. IDNA is changing for new versions of Unicode, and 
that would mean that such regex engines need to be updated. If that's 
easy (e.g. it's part of the properties provided by Unicode, which are 
needed for version updates anyway), that might work, but otherwise, I'd 
guess it won't.

Regards,   Martin.

> Regards, Marc.

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