[UA-discuss] Universal Acceptance now on Wikipedia...https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Acceptance

John Levine john.levine at standcore.com
Thu Jul 9 03:09:19 UTC 2020

In article <6AAF06E9-5BA9-428C-978B-73326A745C26 at nic.br> you write:
>But neither the available capacity or the usage warning would solve the usual issue programmers have with DNS is that
>DNS is considered slow. That was said to be the main reason for browsers not supporting DANE (DNSSEC-based
>certificates), so this might be hard to overcome.

If speed is an issue, it should be possible to do asynchronously, e.e., linkify in grey
and do the DNS check, then change the color when the DNS answer comes back.  In a lot of
cases the answer will be in the local DNS cache so it'll be pretty quick.

In systems like Slack, if you enter a URL, it fetches the page and
decorates the URL with info about whatever the URL points to. People
seem to be used to that.


>> On 8 Jul 2020, at 19:44, Edmon <edmon at registry.asia> wrote:
>> Perhaps we can say that before linkification automagically happens, a DNS
>> lookup should be done to confirm that the domain exists? Or would that
>> unnecessarily burden the DNS? Modern instant messengers do try to grab the
>> web information too in fact when something gets linkified.

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