[UA-discuss] Pale Moon browser

John Levine john.levine at standcore.com
Tue May 5 16:33:58 UTC 2020

In article <29590891-1524-485C-8238-E6CBED8AD16E at verisign.com> you write:
>This came across my IDN news feed.
>Pale Moon 28.9.2 “Added a preference to allow copying the unescaped URL from the address bar (especially useful for internationalized domain
>names and paths).”
>URL to the article: https://www.neowin.net/news/pale-moon-2892
>Is anyone familiar with this browser: market share, user experience, etc?

It's a variant of Firefox.  I have never met anyone who uses it so I
think we can safely assume its market share is insignificant.

John Levine, johnl at taugh.com, Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet for Dummies",
Please consider the environment before reading this e-mail. https://jl.ly

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