[UA-EAI] EAI Readiness for UASG

Don Hollander don.hollander at icann.org
Mon Jan 29 08:51:09 UTC 2018

Dear all:

I think it would be a good idea of the UASG mail system could support EAI addresses.

I expect to put this out to ‘tender’ as part of our open and transparent process.

So, I’m writing to find out what I should seek:

1)	Must provide mail hosting for *@uasg.tech
2)	Must be able to send to and receive from all email addresses, including ear addresses.
3)	Must be able to support IMAP?   I expect to use MSFT Outlook on a Windows platform as my mail client.
4)	Spam/Antivirus?   

We currently support 4 email addresses and I expect that we might have up to ten.

Any other suggestions to include in my help wanted notice?



Don Hollander
Universal Acceptance Steering Group
don.hollander at icann.org
Skype: don_hollander

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