[UA-EAI] Dovecot, IMAP mailbox/folder support

Arnt Gulbrandsen arnt.gulbrandsen at icann.org
Wed Mar 1 21:28:32 UTC 2023

I'm really quite sad that their plans changed. They told me quite plainly the plans were tentative, so I have nothing to complain about. But I'm sad.

FYI https://github.com/dovecot/core/pull/190 mostly works and reorganizes nothing. It's a clean and small patch, and enough to get Dovecot to the same level of support that Exchange 2019 has. The thing that doesn't work is the UTF8 modifier for the APPEND command, which is a syntactical problem, not a matter of substance. I wish I could charge $100k for such a thing.


On 01/03/2023, 18:28, "UA-EAI on behalf of John Levine via UA-EAI" <ua-eai-bounces at icann.org on behalf of ua-eai at icann.org> wrote:

    It appears that Maria Kolesnikova via UA-EAI <masha at cctld.ru> said:
    >My apologizes for some off topic request but probably anyone of you knows
    >whether Dovecot is going to enhance their support of EAI? Or whether UASG
    >has an plans to motivate them to do it?

    I talked to the Dovecot people a while ago.  They would be willing to add
    support for the new EAI features in RFCs 6855 and 6866 if someone paid
    them, but they won't do it on their own.  It would require a lot of
    work reorganizing the internal structure of Dovecot so it would be
    quite expensive, I estimate on the order of $100,000.

    But when I did EAI conformance tests on Dovecot, I found the same
    things that Arnt did. Even though it doesn't have new UTF-8 support,
    the legacy character sets are good enough and most of its internal
    operations are 8-bit clean so that it passed most of the EAI tests
    anyway. I do not think it would be a good use of time or money to add
    6855 and 6866 support.


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