[IAG-WHOIS conflicts] Draft preliminary report

Jamie Hedlund jamie.hedlund at icann.org
Fri Sep 11 13:24:35 UTC 2015


Thanks for your comments. Happy to clarify the second bullet as you
suggest. As for asking the GAC whether each member is entitled to issue
support for a request, I suspect we may never get an answer. Their
³authorities² vary widely depending on which part of the government they
represent. But it seems safe to assume that if they don¹t have explicit
authority, they would be empowered to seek it from the relevant agency
within their government.

Make sense?


Jamie Hedlund
VP, Strategic Programs
Global Domains Division
+1.202.374.3969 (m)
+1.202.570.7125 (d)
jamie.hedlund at icann.org

On 9/11/15, 05:04, "Luc SEUFER" <lseufer at dclgroup.eu> wrote:

>Hi Jamie,
>Reading the Contracted Party Request Trigger.
>The 2nd bullet point should be rewritten so that it is clear that
>³affected parties² refer to those contracted parties which local laws
>conflict with a WHOIS obligation.
>I am afraid it could be understood as an obligation to seek written
>support from all contracted parties.
>And regarding the written support or non-objection from the GAC member.
>Could we as a semi-WG ask the GAC whether they are all entitled to issue
>such support?
>On 09 Sep 2015, at 23:30, Jamie Hedlund
><jamie.hedlund at icann.org<mailto:jamie.hedlund at icann.org>> wrote:
>Attached please find the current draft preliminary report for your
>consideration. As discussed on the call, IAG members would have one week
>to propose any changes including the addition of minority statements.
>Please submit your edits no later than 23:59 UTC on 17 September 2015.
>ICANN will then seek comment on the document on 24 September 2015.
>Please note some of the larger changes in the document: first, I removed
>all references to ³consensus.² My colleagues in policy support remind me
>that consensus only applies after public comment is taken into account.
>Second, I added James¹s full proposal to a new Appendix 2. Finally, I
>cleaned up the formatting.
>Thank you again for your input and participation. Please let me know if
>you have any questions or concerns about the draft.
>Jamie Hedlund
>VP, Strategic Programs
>Global Domains Division
>+1.202.374.3969 (m)
>+1.202.570.7125 (d)
>jamie.hedlund at icann.org<mailto:jamie.hedlund at icann.org>
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