[Ws2-diversity] Notes, recordings and transcript for WS2 Diversity Subgroup Meeting #7 | 20 December

MSSI Secretariat mssi-secretariat at icann.org
Tue Dec 20 23:50:56 UTC 2016

Hello all,

The notes, recordings and transcripts for CCWG Accountability WS2_ CCWG Diversity Subgroup, Meeting #7 -  20 December 2016 will be available here:

A copy of the notes from the meeting are below.

Kind Regards,
Yvette Guigneaux
Multi-Stakeholder & Strategic Initiative Asst.
ICANN | Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers
12025 Waterfront Drive, Playa Vista, CA 90094
yvette.guigneaux at icann.org<mailto:yvette.guigneaux at icann.org> | www.icann.org<http://www.icann.org>

Notes (including relevant parts of chat):
1. Roll Call
*  Roll call will be taken from the AC room.
2. Review of Actions items
* Action items are listed on the Diversity wiki page here: https://community.icann.org/display/WEIA/Diversity
*  Data collection: action item still in progress
*  Call for volunteers: we received 2 responses
*  Straw man document: more dicussions needed
3. Discussion Topics- third reading of  second  version of strawman document
* https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XpXaGckf9IIYGgPKdMhBgKe8gzwruuCHgvXiz-DwOOM/edit
*  Fiona gave a summary of the elements discussed in previous meetings
*  Fiona: one topic I'd like to focus on is the diversity of ICANN staff
*  Rafik: we can organize a meeting with ICANN staff within the next month to discuss the diversity data they collect.
*  Rafik: on gender, we should not be limiting.
*  Should we cover PTI as well in terms of diversity?
*   Sebastien: diversity should be taken into account all around, PTI, CSC, review teams etc. It was in the WS1 document.
*  Rafik: it may be good to highlight the different entities / structures to make it clear.
*  Finn Petersen, GAC - DK: We should seek a better balance between all languages. I therefore suggest that point 2.2 is worded in the following way:  2.2 Language: All languages should be represented in ICANN as much as possible if the organization is to position itself as a global multi-stakeholder entity. There is a need for a better balance between all languages , including the seven official languages at ICANN - English, Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, French and Russian. With ICANN managing the IANA functions that offers IDN services to entities who do not use any of the 7 official languages it is important that ICANN improves on way of communicating to this group of stakeholders
*  Lito Ibarra: When talking about collecting data regarding aspects such as age or physical ability, should we consider any privacy concerns?
*  Sebastien: as an example, I couldn't find any data regarding the age of ICANN board members. It would be good to know this information.
*  Rafik: we can start by finding out what data is available, and then we can see if we want to add to that. It may raise privacy issues, we'll have to keep that in mind.
*  Rachel Pollack: @Rafik, yes, data collection rules vary significantly by country. For example, in France, one cannot collect ethnic statistics
*  Rachel Pollack: Should we mention ICANN's commitment to multi-lingualism To clarify, I just meant that ICANN has often portrayed IDNs as an effort to promote multilingualism and a multi-lingual Internet. For example: https://www.icann.org/news/blog/collaborating-towards-a-truly-multilingual-internet[icann.org]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.icann.org_news_blog_collaborating-2Dtowards-2Da-2Dtruly-2Dmultilingual-2Dinternet&d=DgMFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=xjNMRR-fjlgBx7tqUEv8lZv2O9RJyMyqWkymcecegCUuwDxFVsW6VBuvkqKnS_lk&m=qAw3d8Spr7VGLw20GFjrgsQexjwK4UEiYd44j1873dQ&s=bmL99dgWRzCTXhfWy9_EOTz-gk8mj_9MLJCbj0CnMuM&e=>
*  https://www.icann.org/news/blog/celebrating-a-major-community-driven-milestone-in-enabling-multilingual-top-level-domains[icann.org]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.icann.org_news_blog_celebrating-2Da-2Dmajor-2Dcommunity-2Ddriven-2Dmilestone-2Din-2Denabling-2Dmultilingual-2Dtop-2Dlevel-2Ddomains&d=DgMFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=xjNMRR-fjlgBx7tqUEv8lZv2O9RJyMyqWkymcecegCUuwDxFVsW6VBuvkqKnS_lk&m=qAw3d8Spr7VGLw20GFjrgsQexjwK4UEiYd44j1873dQ&s=EfTBkqEF5gG2-B_a0TuQYsdDc64aqR8WbLG840mMVBk&e=>
*  RAHMOUNI: for the multi-lingualism, we can also inspire our doucment from the work of the UNESCO
*  Rachel Pollack: @Rahmouni, this might have some helpful information: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/communication-and-information/access-to-knowledge/linguistic-diversity-and-multilingualism-on-internet/internationalized-domain-names[unesco.org]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.unesco.org_new_en_communication-2Dand-2Dinformation_access-2Dto-2Dknowledge_linguistic-2Ddiversity-2Dand-2Dmultilingualism-2Don-2Dinternet_internationalized-2Ddomain-2Dnames&d=DgMFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=xjNMRR-fjlgBx7tqUEv8lZv2O9RJyMyqWkymcecegCUuwDxFVsW6VBuvkqKnS_lk&m=qAw3d8Spr7VGLw20GFjrgsQexjwK4UEiYd44j1873dQ&s=kGWOrCMFJa28uSrmlNndcdDF1StX6j-cTO9BdvNg8lM&e=>/
*  RAHMOUNI: many examples are avaible http://www.unesco.org/new/en/communication-and-information/access-to-knowledge/linguistic-diversity-and-multilingualism-on-internet[unesco.org]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.unesco.org_new_en_communication-2Dand-2Dinformation_access-2Dto-2Dknowledge_linguistic-2Ddiversity-2Dand-2Dmultilingualism-2Don-2Dinternet&d=DgMFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=xjNMRR-fjlgBx7tqUEv8lZv2O9RJyMyqWkymcecegCUuwDxFVsW6VBuvkqKnS_lk&m=qAw3d8Spr7VGLw20GFjrgsQexjwK4UEiYd44j1873dQ&s=YQycDyUWl4yTZDs1rpTNhss-HkdlhWanBQ6pTi7cVfg&e=>/
*  Renata Aquino Ribeiro: this doc has a few more additions https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XpXaGckf9IIYGgPKdMhBgKe8gzwruuCHgvXiz-DwOOM/edit[docs.google.com]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__docs.google.com_document_d_1XpXaGckf9IIYGgPKdMhBgKe8gzwruuCHgvXiz-2DDwOOM_edit&d=DgMFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=xjNMRR-fjlgBx7tqUEv8lZv2O9RJyMyqWkymcecegCUuwDxFVsW6VBuvkqKnS_lk&m=qAw3d8Spr7VGLw20GFjrgsQexjwK4UEiYd44j1873dQ&s=VSHNLx5Q_C0HHNfDuXSS5teOeG8VOiV042dVE6VHkco&e=>#
*  Renata Aquino Ribeiro: regarding multilingualism maybe some data on the use of translation in meetings or use of interpreters?
*  Fiona: Regions vs geographical diversity. We need to define what we mean by region.
*  Sebastien: ICANN regions are different from the RIRs regions. ICANN has 5 regions.
*  Sebastien / Rafik: One other consideration: do you declare yourself based on where you live or where you come from?
*  Renata Aquino Ribeiro: perhaps consider icann regions as geographic and self-declared as regions
4- Review of Draft questionnaire
* https://docs.google.com/document/d/13UBH5JXmOvxA6H6Kg6W6o0GNDjfYRs3FwQULKScgSmw/edit
*  Sebastien: we should try to limit the number of questions we raise
*  We should let SO/ACs decide who within their group should answer
*  Finn Petersen, GAC - DK:  We should stick to questions that can be answered factually. Therefore, Question 3 should be deleted.
*  Jorge Cancio (GAC Switzerland): I feel we should ask on both aspects (what they do themselves and what they expect from ICANN at large). Perhaps it should be more balanced. What do you understand under diversity and what do you do for it? And what do you expect in  terms of diversity from ICANN at large?
*  Renata Aquino Ribeiro: rephrasing also the question on education for diversity, could ask how many materials, seminars or educational initiatives for diversity has so/ac produced
*  Avri: suggest limiting to questions 5 to 8. The other questions are more for this subgroup to answer.
*  Rachel Pollack: perhaps 5-8 could be seen as fact-finding part about the SO/AC, and then separate out a couple of questions more of a survey of views and ideas on diversity as a whole
*  Seun Ojedeji: Not sure question 8 is necessary as it would not be a fact since it isn't formal
*  Renata Aquino Ribeiro: q8 and others the so/ac has to come forward with info can all be merged into 1 question - what is being done about diversity in so/ac?
*  Renata Aquino Ribeiro: also rephrasing question 3 - what percentage of participation does so/ac has of developing and least developed countries
*  Rafik: We'll try to come up with a new version this week. Please make sure to enter all your comments in the document.
5. AOB

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