[Ws2-hr] Outcomes of todays call

Niels ten Oever lists at nielstenoever.net
Wed Aug 23 12:07:11 UTC 2017

Thanks Jorge.

The original text to which you objected was:

The group feels the current proposed wording is a balanced
consensus between the different opinions held in the ICANN community,
particularly concerning the remit of ICANN’s Mission.

The text that was then adapted (also based on your comments) and which
was discussed in the call was:

The conclusion of the Subgroup is that the current proposed wording is a
careful balance between the different opinions held in the ICANN
community, particularly considering the remit of ICANN’s Mission.

The text you propose is:

The group feels the current proposed wording is a minimum common
denominator text between the different opinions held in the ICANN community.

Let's hear what other on the list think about this proposed text.



On 08/23/2017 01:18 PM, Jorge.Cancio at bakom.admin.ch wrote:
> As to how you presented *my alternative* text to paragraph 5 of the
> draft message to the CCWG /(//" The group feels the current proposed
> wording is a minimum common denominator text between the different
> opinions held in the ICANN community./”, see in my Emails sent on August
> 16^th to the list and sent again yesterday before the call)the "adobe
> call replay" shows that _it was not mentioned and therefore not handled
> as an alternative_.

Niels ten Oever
Head of Digital

Article 19

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