[Ws2-ombudsman] Follow up to Ombudsperson call yesterday

Herb Waye herb.waye at icann.org
Tue Sep 27 11:22:52 UTC 2016

Dear Klaus, 

Thank you for reaching out. I am very interested in anything that
strengthens the relationships between the Ombuds Office and the community.
I would be more than pleased to attend the meeting you suggest at
Hyderabad. I will be preparing a short presentation to be shared with
community groups detailing my goals as Ombuds (I will be very brief so you
can get back to work). I hope to communicate a clearer understanding of
how the Ombuds can be available for some of the smaller groups to
facilitate any unfairness they may face due to size, perceived
unimportance, or fiscal means.

I look forward to hearing from Martin to arrange an appointment in my
schedule for the meeting you mention. I will only require 5 or 10 minutes
of NPOC's valuable time to speak to your group.

Kindest regards

Herb Waye
ICANN Ombudsman

Twitter: @IcannOmbudsman

ICANN Expected Standards of Behavior:

All matters brought before the Ombudsman shall be treated as confidential.
 The Ombudsman shall also take all reasonable steps necessary to preserve
the privacy of, and to avoid harm to, those parties not involved in the
complaint being investigated by the Ombudsman.The Ombudsman shall only
make inquiries about, or advise staff or Board members of the existence
and identity of, a complainant in order to further the resolution of the
complaint.  The Ombudsman shall take all reasonable steps necessary to
ensure that if staff and Board members are made aware of the existence and
identity of a complainant, they agree to maintain the confidential nature
of such information, except as necessary to further the resolution of a

On 9/27/16, 2:39 AM, "ws2-ombudsman-bounces at icann.org on behalf of Klaus
Stoll" <ws2-ombudsman-bounces at icann.org on behalf of kdrstoll at gmail.com>

>Dear Herb
>Thank you for your interesting comments during the WG call yesterday. On
>behalf of NPOC I would like to request that we start a dialogue between
>your office and NPOC. The goal of the dialogue should be for NPOC to
>understand and strengthen the Ombudspersons office now and in the future
>and also how the Ombudsperson can assist NPOC.
>As a first step I would like to invite you to participate for a period
>at the upcoming ICANN 57 Constituency day meeting scheduled for the
>Sunday afternoon. I will not be in Hyderabad until Sunday night, so the
>meeting will be chaired by Martin deSilva who I believe you are familiar
>Please confirm your interest and availability.
>Ws2-ombudsman mailing list
>Ws2-ombudsman at icann.org
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