Es bueno escuchar todas las posiciones. A veces modificamos posturas despues de 
ver otras diferentes. Para esto sirve la inclusion y adicion de todos los que 
piensan distinto.


Enviado desde mi smartphone Samsung Galaxy.

-------- Mensaje original --------
De: vanda@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Fecha: 22/8/17 21:57 (GMT-03:00)
Para: lac-discuss-en@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: lac-discuss-es@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Asunto: Re: [lac-discuss-en] LACRALO EMERITUS COUNCIL

[[--Translated text (es -> en)--]]

 Desde: vanda@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx


 Vanda Scartezini
 Sent from my iPhone
 Sorry for typos

 On 22 Aug 2017, at 14:26, Humberto Carrasco 
<hcarrascob@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:hcarrascob@xxxxxxxxx> &gt; Wrote:


 You have touched an essential point !!!!

 It is good to put the document of mediation in the respective part, so that it 
is seen that we are complying with it.


 Sent from my iPhone

 The 22-08-2017, at 14:12, Gutierrez, Carlos Raul 
<carlosraul@xxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:carlosraul@xxxxxxxxxxxx> &gt; Wrote:

 Thank you Sylvia for your excellent presentation yesterday. Two general 
comments to help those who could not hear from some of the reactions yesterday.

 1. When I go to the document it is not obvious that all this effort is derived 
for the purpose of implementing the recommendations of mediation. I believe it 
is essential to repeat, as a background to the document, the complete 
recommendations of the mediation process, in order to avoid doubts about the 
scope of the expected activity of the council.

 2. I also think it necessary to repeat that membership is not exclusive to any 
segment. On the contrary, membership in the Council is to demonstrate that some 
volunteers have spent many years in the governance process of ICANN and that it 
is now about renewing and reinforcing LACRALO volunteering with young and 
diverse new blood on A new basis of trust and cooperation.

 I think that sometimes we forget these two concepts and it is good to 
emphasize them, so that we do not give the impression of a new layer of 
bureaucracy and formalisms.

 Thank you very much again

 Carlos Raúl Gutiérrez


 Mobile +506 8837 7176

 Skype: carlos.raulg

 Apartado 1571-1000, COSTA RICA

 On 08/22/2017 06:44, sylvia@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
<mailto:sylvia@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Wrote:
 Dear members of LACRALO
 First of all, I would like to thank you for your great interest in the work 
done by the FFCL working group during the monthly LACRALO meeting in August.
 Then, apologize because the link published on the wiki with the English 
version is wrong (a draft of the first meeting was translated). The staff 
requested yesterday the translation of the final work.
 Although the Spanish version is published in the wiki, here is the link so 
that they can see it quickly; Since for a matter of transparency we put all the 
versions with which we were working and can give work to find it.

 Finally, ask them to wait for your contributions and comments on the 
wiki.After the comment period, the wg will meet to analyze them and then we 
will organize a call for all members of LACRALO interested in the subject.
 I am available for any clarification,
 Greetings to all

 Sylvia Herlein Leite
 Sylvia@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:sylvia@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


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[[--Original text (es)
