[CCWG-ACCT] Draft v.11 for posting

James Gannon james at cyberinvasion.net
Tue May 5 12:04:39 UTC 2015

Fantastic work everyone.
A monumental piece of text both in scope and in substance!

-James Gannon

From: accountability-cross-community-bounces at icann.org [mailto:accountability-cross-community-bounces at icann.org] On Behalf Of Grace Abuhamad
Sent: Monday, May 04, 2015 10:07 PM
To: Accountability Cross Community
Subject: [CCWG-ACCT] Draft v.11 for posting

Dear all,

Here attached is V.11, the final document that will be posted for public comment. This version incorporates all the edits received, including from: Roelof Meijer; Legal Counsel (Sidley & Adler); Samantha Eisner; Kavouss Arasteh; Sebastien Bachollet; Robin Gross ; Steve Del Bianco; Izumi Okutani; Matt Shears; Jordan Carter; Jan Scholte; Becky Burr; and Bruce Tonkin. In additions to these edits, staff worked with the Chairs and the Rapporteurs to clarify each section of the draft. You can download V.11 from the Wiki here: https://community.icann.org/display/acctcrosscomm/Draft+Report

The document will be posted in two forms: there will be one version with annexes ("long") and another version without annexes ("short"). Please know this difference for your communities and clarify that comments will be accepted on either version of the draft proposal. Accompanying the document will be a set up slides/graphics designed by Xplane (and discussed on the 30 April call).

Your role: Once the draft is out, it'll be part of your role as a CCWG-Accountability member/participants to be 'ambassadors' and help reach out to your communities. Hillary Jett from the ICANN communications team will speak more to outreach and engagement on Tuesday's call.

Webinars: Finally, the Chairs will host two webinars next Monday (11 May) to brief the community on the content of the proposal, and answer any questions the community may have. The announcement will be circulated shortly.

Translation: The full proposal has just been sent for translation into all ICANN-supported languages.

Congratulations all - The draft is roughly 50,000 words, 147 pages, so there's a lot to show for your efforts (as if there wasn't already!).

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