[CCWG-ACCT] [ccTLDcommunity] Cross Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability (CCWG-Accountability) - Input Needed on its Proposed Accountability Enhancements (Work Stream 1)

Dr Eberhard Lisse el at lisse.NA
Wed May 6 08:24:25 UTC 2015

Dear Byron, Dear Colleagues,

it is unfortunate that Mr Weill now becomes emotional.

The Charter clearly states:

	Section V: Rules of Engagement
	Decision-Making Methodologies:

	In developing its Proposal(s), work plan and any other
	reports, the CCWG-Accountability shall seek to act by
	consensus.  Consensus calls should always make best efforts
	to involve all members (the CCWG-Accountability or
	sub-working group).  The Chair(s) shall be responsible for
	designating each position as having one of the following

	a) Full Consensus - a position where no minority disagrees;
	identified by an absence of objection

	b) Consensus – a position where a small minority
	disagrees, but most agree

	In the absence of Full Consensus, the Chair(s) should allow
	for the submission of minority viewpoint(s) and these, along
	with the consensus view, shall be included in the report.

I do not see any room for ambiguity here ("any other reports",
"involve all members", "designating each position" minority
viewpoints "shall be included in the report")

I most certainly not have filed countless objections (the Co-Chairs
were probably too busy ignoring them rather than them) and most
certainly not "since it started".

I have diligently participated and most constructively which was
stated by all three Co-Chairs (when it suited them, obviously)
during and after the Frankfurt and Istanbul meetings.

I have however since Singapore come to believe that we are doing
this wrong and have voiced this in Singapore repeatedly.

My objections mainly concern two issues, namely the refusal to deal
with the fundamental issues of IANA/ICANN accountability.

And the process ie the rushing to an arbitrary deadline without
careful consideration.  As a member of the FoI Wg I have
participated in what must be considered the yardstick on thorough
and considered review and debate.

It is telling that instead of dealing with the substance of my
concerns, innuendo and allegation are being used.  As if it was ok
to do whatever one wants to but it was not ok to talk about it.

Sadness indeed.

I strongly urge ccTLD Managers to soundly reject this rubbish
"report" which tinkers on the surface, with the effect of tossing
ccTLD Managers a few bones on issues that don't concern them really,
and to demand that the fundamental questions that affect us ccTLD
Managers are asked and answered.

greetings, el

On 2015-05-06 06:44, Mathieu Weill wrote:
> Dear Byron, Dear Colleagues,
> To set the record straight, Dr Lisse's statements about the
> violation of the CCWG Accountability Charter and the dynamics of
> the group are a misrepresentation of facts.  Speaking of facts, we
> are more than happy to provide details in response to the
> accusations as well as explanations we gave to Dr Lisse on the
> public mailing list, to support our statement.
> We would also note for the benefit of readers of these lists that
> Dr Lisse has filed countless objections against almost everything
> the CCWG did since it started.  Participants and members of the
> CCWG have expressed to the co-chairs that they consider Dr Lisse's
> behaviour as an attempt to discredit the work of fellow volunteers
> and derail the work of the group.
> We will not burden everyone on the lists that were cc-ed with
> details, especially when we have the opportunity to discuss and
> engage on substance.  But we wanted to set this record straight,
> and express our deep sadness about the use of such a process
> within the ccTLD community.
> That being said, we encourage other ccTLD members and participants
> in the CCWG to express their views related to the substance of the
> proposals.
> Best,
> Thomas Rickert and Mathieu Weill, co-chairs
Dr. Eberhard W. Lisse  \        / Obstetrician & Gynaecologist (Saar)
el at lisse.NA            / *     |   Telephone: +264 81 124 6733 (cell)
PO Box 8421             \     /
Bachbrecht, Namibia     ;____/

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