[CCWG-ACCT] FW: Contribution on Transparency Reforms for CCWG

Bruce Tonkin Bruce.Tonkin at melbourneit.com.au
Thu Oct 29 12:04:22 UTC 2015

Hello Paul,

. >>  The DIDP policies have not facilitated transparency to the extent that many of the community feel is needed. The vast majority of DIDP requests have been denied based on several analyses. There is insufficient means of independent appeal as you note. The recommendation is to tighten the exemptions and provide independent means for appealing DIDP denials. 

No doubt the DIDP process can be improved however it is not true that the vast majority of requests have resulted in denials.

I asked the staff for some statistics, and they responded that since the establishment of DIDP, 96 requests have been submitted. ICANN responds to every single request. 

o In 66 cases, ICANN was able to refer the requestor to documents already publicly available.   This speaks to ICANN's commitment to making as many documents publicly available as possible.

o In 22 cases, ICANN published additional documents. 

The appeal mechanism currently is to the Board's reconsideration process - but perhaps this is something that a role like the Ombudsman could perform.

Bruce Tonkin

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